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last nights vixen

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Hi all.


Dead eye duck and i were out again last night with faithful YTS trainee. We stayed on our local patch and went after bunnies and foxes. Anyway our first port of call we walked into the field near where we parked the car and bunny no1 was sitting at 60yds. It lingered for a little too long and the .17 accounted for it. Next we headed over towards the boundary fields calling as we went. In the last field we stopped for 10 minutes and gave a good call as not much wind was blowing so we wanted to give the call time to possibly draw 'em in from as far as possible. After a goodly spell rabbit squeeling we mixed it up a little with dog fox barks.


Almost as soon as the dog fox calls started we got a visitor and trainee spotted a fox coming in in the lamplight. Dead eye duck hit the prone position in lightning speed (the evening primrose oil and horse linament have cured his creaky joints to a barely audible groan HA HA!!). anyway i just had time to raise the binoculars to confirm it was fox and BANG, THUMP!! a solid hit. upon pacing the range D.E.D. had whacked it over from 130yds out. I missed a rabbit on the way round at 60 - 70yds with the rimmy not sure what happened and had severe word with myself. No mistake with the next one that i whacked over at a paced 93yds.


We called at a different farm on the way home but without sight nor sound of a fox we headed for home with 2 bunnies and fox in the bag. Here is a pic of the fox.




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As usual, a totally biassed and inaccurate (like his shooting) report of what happened


He missed two rabbits, not one - and this with my extremely accurate, user friendly Annie 0.17hmr. He really is a clumsy *** with no finesse at all.


His fox calling has got so bad that we now have to resort to electronic means.


And reactions so slow that he didn't have time to grab his binocs from round his neck to see the fox get clobbered.


Well yer can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear, and this one's got ears like an african elephant. Every time he misses I grab it and bellow down it "Caress the trigger yer pillock, don't yank at it".


Well, something that rhymes like yanker.


God give me patience. If ever an olde man suffered......... :good: :unsure:



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