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Never seen this before ???

Bazooka Joe

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A mate was out shooting rabbits today, phoned me up while he was on gutting them. Have a look at the three pictures I've uploaded, see what you think. In all the years I've being rabbiting I've never seen this before. The dark bit at the top (side of the ribs) was the size of a golf ball, & when he burst it open the clear sack at the bottom dropped out with what looks like white eggs inside.


Anyone any idea ?













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Lifted from another forum below:-



Tapeworm cysts in rabbits are caused by a tapeworm found in dogs, cats and other wild carnivores. It has a two stage life cycle - the adult tapeworm living in the dog's intestine, and the intermediate stage (cyst) is found in the rabbit, which then gets eaten by the dog, completing the cycle.


White spots in the liver can be cause by coccidiosi (a protozoa), migrating tapeworm larvae (before they turn into a cyst) of by immature liver fluke - the adults inhabit the bile ducts.

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  • 1 month later...

Definatly Tapeworm, i had a rabbit like that back in the summer and i had never seen it before so i took it to show a vet mate of mine and he confirmed it was tapeworm, the one i had actually had 1 in its chest cavity and 2 on the neck, it was a large old buck.the growths where clear rubbery with white specs

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Guest rabgoat
Could be somme sort of fly hatch or even a parasittic egg sack.


Can you :lol: see if it has an eastern european pasport tucked in there somewhere :lol:





Already checked for that Tony, get a look at my Sig...... :lol:



Im not an ulster unionist voter but if enoch powell was about these days i'd support him,,the wages and jobs over here are away to the dogs because of eastern europeans,,,sorry for the rant :lol:

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Could be somme sort of fly hatch or even a parasittic egg sack.


Can you :angry: see if it has an eastern european pasport tucked in there somewhere :angry:





Already checked for that Tony, get a look at my Sig...... :angry:



Im not an ulster unionist voter but if enoch powell was about these days i'd support him,,the wages and jobs over here are away to the dogs because of eastern europeans,,,sorry for the rant :angry:


a bit off the post here , but we all get that chance to change things by voting.....lets make the next one turn it on its head........wake up call , before its gone toooooooo far....

im not racist, my family immegrants too,



all should contribute to the system, 1 passport & garanteur, no benefits for 2 yr, no sexual crime candidates ,no I.D = chip & pin!!


no skill....No want !! :) Britain for the British !!

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