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Air arms pro sport


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Hello all, been a good while since I was on here last, so I recently bought a 2nd hand pro sport in .177 from the air gun centre. It should be at my door this Saturday coming fingers crossed. I've had many rifles over the years, tx 200 97k hw 80 and the tx 200 sr that I sold as a 19 year old stupidly for funds for a holiday. Only to learn many years later how silly that was. I've never owned a pro sport though, just wondering if anyone got some hints and tips for this rifle, maybe certain upgrades, custom stocks? I seen someone on youtube with a pro sport that had a fluted barrel, looked stunning in my eyes. So yeah any hints and tips would be great and much appreciated. Thanks for your time


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If you say what you're going to be using it for it may help people give you advice. Don't see many on the hft comp scene. The position of the under lever means fitting a palm rest is problematic. Don't shoot springers myself so I'll let others who do chip in. 

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Looking at doing hft and bench rest, I'll be honest I have no idea about bench rest or hft, can I just use sandbags? See not a clue haha 😆 also do I really need a palm rest? Why can't I shoot hft without one? But yeah hft and bench rest competitions I'd like to get into. I don't like pcp rifles so I'll stay with springers.

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A hamster (not a palm rest that goes  on the underside of the pistol grip )  fitted to the underside of an air gun is useful  for hft but far from necessary . Hft is a great sport and you can shoot with what every you fancy (within the rules )  take your prosport  and enjoy your self .

Always nice to beat guys with all the kit, with your simple springer .

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You can fit a "hamster" to the cocking lever of a Prosport which gets around the problem but it might not stop people calling it a palm rest.

As Ultrastu says you don't need to, indeed you can shoot anything you like as long as it's sub 12ftlbs, there's a guy on the circuit shooting open sights!

Be warned, it's addictive.

Edited by Mr.C
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Great gun but I found the poi changed so much when shooting standing kneeling and prone that it was a lot of work to compete in hft.did beat two guys half way around a hft course with one though.great gun and very accurate but hold senseative.heavy for hft too .as for bench rest no sand bags just a flat rest.cocking the prosport when prone is a pain as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

 I use my pro sport for HFT occasionally, mainly the Paul James shoot most years with some decent results. I mainly shoot a Steyr PCP in HFT but do enjoy the occasional competition with my PS. You dont need a hamster and like all springers you just have to learn the gun and how to hold it, the accuracy is as good as any gun on the FT or HFT target circuit but some seem to love them, others prefer the TX200.

If I was to get really serious about shooting competions with a springer I would probably get a full length TX200, but I really enjoy shooting the PS for occasional shoots.. I think I have had the highest HFT class score a few years back with the Pro sport in the Paul James shoot. I shot rubbish last year with it, but thats springers for you.


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