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On 25/02/2025 at 10:40, 100milesaway said:

I have an elderly neighbour  who is visited4 or 5 times a week by a black young lady wearing a tabbard complete with hospital type outfit. Sometimes a black man wearing similar attire  accompanies  her and in the main waits or sometimes drives off in the car. In the main she drives the car. The car is a silver Honda jazz and the number plate is MN05EMF. Whilst on the DVL site on another matter I put this number into their site and received the following *we have no details of this vehicle*. I contacted the DVL  to report this and was fobbed off and they would not tell me what the message meant and asked me where fraud came into it.I am unable to ask the old lady who they work for as I don't want to alarm her. Any ideas what to do next. 

From Auntie.

Whilst acknowledging that the previous posts now indicate that all is legit, it is somewhat encouraging to learn that it is the same carer/s attending to your neighbour.

We often sit on our local seafront in the summer watching the boats and see carers attending an elderly lady in a house opposite. I don’t think that we’ve ever seen the same carer twice, always a different one. This must be very disconcerting for the lady to not see a familiar face from one day to the next. Surely  it wouldn’t be too problematic for the agency to ensure the same people attend and not completely different ones each time.


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6 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

it is somewhat encouraging to learn that it is the same carer/s attending to your neighbour.

One of my neighbours needs help daily (poor mobility following failed hip replacement operation) and I see the carer visiting when I walk the dog in the morning.  Usually the same person.

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On 25/02/2025 at 21:32, Vince Green said:

Yes Internet plates are a big problem .

It's where a lot of the false number plates are obtained by people up to no good. No checks, it's not legal but, as usual, nobody appears to be doing anything about it.

The clue is no small makers name on the plate.


1 wished I had got nearer as I could have checked and would have reported it but the police wouldn't have sat in a car forever waiting  for her to show up as she worked different shifts. I am now assuming that she got caught on the A R  P camera's  so all good. I morn the days when we could confied in a local Bobby and cars had tax discs that were easy to see but you can't  report it confidently or you are liable  get your windows put through.

From Auntie 

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