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Turkish barbers (and the likes)


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All the carryout's and small shops seem to have a notice in the window these days Cash Only 

One customer asked at the chippy why couldn't she pay with card , And the owner got ten pound coins out the till and said you pay £10 cash i can pay deliver drivers £10 you pay by card i only get £9 pay the driver by card he gets £8 a long way round to explain there losing a pound in every ten due to card costs when customers use there card 

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5 hours ago, 100milesaway said:

With a strong leadership. As an example the NHS. Is a bloated company with pathetic leadership, it needs to be governed  by a stronger person who understands that staff are abusing their positions from the top down and if that doesn't  work he needs to shafted and someone else takes the position on.This position also should be a self employed one. I have spent my life being self employed from 16 years old it soon comes home   when you realise that  a day or to off means that  you can't  do that as you get nothing for skiving,  no holiday pay, no sick pay. If you work you earn. The NHS is being dragged down by waste in all areas.Nurses who now don't nurse lots of them have no compassion  and are grossly overweight It is a recipe  for disaster. More men need putting into these positions as women are in the main unreliable . My first job was self employed , I worked at a garage doing everything,  on the pumps,mending tyres,valve grinding, one day I  broke my ankle but still managed to get to work on 2 buses and had to walk 2 miles wearing a plaster cast..I enjoyed my work and my next self employed adventure saw me as a promotion girl, one week I was a Johnson baby taking photographs  of chemist's  windows and awarding  prizes  accordingly.  Next week I was Promoting Players ciggies at events.next month I was a chicken OXO girl driving around in a chicken OXO transit detector van and I managed to give lots of free chicken  vouchers to the local pensioners. I had lots of jobs as a brolly dolly, which I loved as I got to see loads of motorbike  racing at Donnington and Oulton Park etc. I eventually specialised in travel trade promotions.Then having saved up enough money I dabbled In property restoration. I then bought an old solicitors office on my local high street  and opened up a specialist travel agency,which ending up turning over a million pounds a year with only 2 staff, working on commission only. I never employed anyone under 40.

I have added this bit  on for Newbie.

From Auntie 





Thank you, an enviable work ethic. Possibly teachers and a background that I spired?

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