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This REALLY gets on my wick!


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Obviously a serious subject and one some are more passinate about than others - but I don't think anyone on here was making lite of it Bman - and with any forum if they do then it is there choice(rightly or wrongly).


In think the problem comes down to our traditional strong silent don't complain mentality of the average british bloke. It has taken me 37 years and a recently broken hand to stop and realise that I am not a super human robot that cannot be injured or hurt. Breaking my hand has been one of the most important events in my life purely for stopping me and taking stock of my own fragilities - and that now includes going to the doctors if I think something is up with me(not a cold or anything like that).


Moral of my story - break a hand to slow me down and start lookin after myself :rolleyes:

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Guest The Outlaw

Great link, I thought a mod was going to be modded for a moment :rolleyes:


There is also after Vasectomy the chance of epididimal cysts which develope after the snip.


Calam found one for me and I hadnt noticed it, went to the female doctor.


She reffered me for an ultrasound and that came back ok.


It is where shortly after having the snip the tadpoles collect before being reabsorbed.


These cysts can get tender now again so if you have any doubt go and see the doc.



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I check me nads most days.

Just cup your nuts and feel for any strange swellings or sore bits.

If you find one nip to the docs.

there is a bloke at work who had a testicular infection that was so bad his scrote was getting wet when he sat on the bog.

The doctor thought he was a great big tw*t.

which he was.

He was to shy to go and nearly ended up losing his jewelry

Doctors have seen it all and there is really no need to be bashful.

Be good to your plums and give them a scrump


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I'd pay £20 to see someone slide up to Lurcherboy and say "I'm a bit worried about me nads, mate. Be a pal n have a ganders for us......." :good::lol: :yp:


Nothing personal, but I wouln't pay LB a score to have a look but Rachael would get my money :lol:





A score would only get you a smack in the teeth SP you cheapskate :lol::lol::lol:





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Guest The Outlaw
I check me nads most days.

Just cup your nuts and feel for any strange swellings or sore bits.

If you find one nip to the docs.

there is a bloke at work who had a testicular infection that was so bad his scrote was getting wet when he sat on the bog.

The doctor thought he was a great big tw*t.

which he was.

He was to shy to go and nearly ended up losing his jewelry

Doctors have seen it all and there is really no need to be bashful.

Be good to your plums and give them a scrump


Ok thats the nuts sorted but I sure as h$ll aint asking Calam to check my prostate gland, she's got long sharpe finger nails



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