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This seems to be a petition, against a petition to ban hunting with dogs. :lol:




For The Creators Of The Stop Hunting With Hounds Petition To Withdraw Their Petition As It's Based On Flawed Data "



Does anyone know anything about the Organisation behind it ?

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Thanks ernyha, I was away when YP posted that.


It just seems a very strange way to word a petition and usually the organisation puts their name on the document.


The last petition I signed against banning hunting with dogs, was sent out by the Countryside Alliance.

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This is a bargepole job.


The owners make money by initiating petitions and getting revenue from advertisers impressed by the large numbers of people accessing the site.


This petition is a total waste of time and by signing it you'll give money to people who not only don't give a toss about us, but give aid and comfort to the antis.


The site is not supporting country sports, many of the petitions are directly against our interest, and come from an Animal Rights agenda. Specifically there are two against gamekeepers using snares, another against Welsh farmers getting grants to set up kennels, and another calling for a ban on terrier work.


In the petition I’m being asked to sign no organisation is given as the initiator except Fred Dock at poxypetitions@hotmail.com and if you believe he’s on our side then you’ll believe anything.


If you want to make an real impact, write your letters to the Home Office about the Firearms Control consultation document as outlined by Simon Clarke in this forum. If you want a kick start check out my response in my web page Buttonbridge Don't just cut and paste, write your own stuff; use mine as a guide.


It will require you to make an effort, not just sit on your duffs being taken for chumps. Wake up people.


Regards, Eug (The artist formerly known as Mr Grumpy)

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Hi Everyone.


I hope you don't mind me coming here to explain? Jordan sent me the link this morning and I feel as though I should present my case and clear up a few things.


First of all. The reason there is no organisation details is because I'm not running this petition on behalf of one. I'm an independant individual with a gripe at the way this legislation is being shoe horned through the Commons.


The original petition was set up to combat another petition hosted on the same site. That petition has been withdrawn by the hosters due to lack of support.


That is why the title of the petition is a little puzzling. One object of our petition has been achieved although the 'desired objectives' are still relevant to counter the existing anti petitions also hosted there. A couple of these have been highlighted, by Eugene, so you can see what we're up against.


I want the recipients, of the petition, to realise that hunting shouldn't be banned.


Their decisions should be based on evidence rather than emotion, and that the majority of the public wish to see resources spent in areas that actually warrant it. The fact that they've ignored the evidence, so far, shows that there is no basis for a ban but I want this petition to appeal to as many people as possible. Some may not agree with hunting but may agree with the waste of resources it has already achieved. You can't blame me for trying to get as much support as possible!


The host site for this petition also carries alot of anti ones. I know that our objectives aren't overly popular here because of the lack of help I've had at every turn. I've been been actively discouraged from using, their site, but this makes me more determined to show them that people have opposing views. The steady increase in support is also encouraging as it's upsetting their cosy little corner of cyberspace.


Now a little about myself. I'm a commited lurcher and terrier man. I shoot and I fish also. I'm a licenced pest controller and I regularly deal with a variety of infestations in domestic, agricultural and commercial properties. Make no mistake. I am totally commited to fieldsports. I'm against all further restrictions on fieldsports which I believe are based on minority emotional decisions rather than any factual basis. I also accept that you don't know me from Adam and I can completely understand the skepticism. Only time will cure that but I hope it doesn't discourage you for too long.


In response to Eugene's comment about making a real impact, I couldn't agree more. Direct letters do work and while I encourage that method myself, my petition is set up to make it as simple as possible for people to pledge their support.


Some people aren't comfortable with writing to MP's with their feelings. They have the good will but aren't sure how to word things or express themselves appropriately. My petition is designed, simply, so that it can be read and signed in under a couple of minutes. It's an easy way to get support and they can work if the there are sufficient numbers.


I urge EVERYONE to write to their MP and voice their opinions. Especially the bit about not supporting them if they wish to ban fieldsports. An excellent forum for this is Fax Your MP Dot Com. It's easier than writing the traditional way but not as easy as signing the petition! A combination of all three would be advisable. :lol:


When I recieve enough signatures, hopefully before the parliament act is used, I intend to present copies of this petition to the leading pro-fieldsports organisations and to send it directly to Downing Street, all by registered post.


Like all other forums for debate there is no guarantee that it will work but we have to try. If we don't we join the ever growing army of apathists in Britain who wish to let everyone do it for them. Therefore the easiest forum available, online petitioning, exists to make it the least time consuming method possible. :lol:


So can I make a personal request for support? I know many doubt my motives but I've joined this forum with the sole purpose of showing that I'm genuine and that I'm taking this seriously.


Click Here To Sign The Pro Hunt Petition


I will be back to browse the forums but I can't visit as frequently as I'd like to. If anyone has any more questions about my authenticity please don't hesitate to ask!

Either here or e-mail me directly!




Fred Dock poxypetitions@hotmail.com


Yours In Legitimate Pest Control

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Fair play to you, I withdraw what I said doubting your credentials.


There are a number of dodgy petitions around at the moment as you probably know. I flushed one out last week, not on the Internet, but a mass FAX effort.


That's what rang the firebell when I saw all that Anti stuff on "your" site. "Whiles ye sup we the De'il tak' a lang spoon!"




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As I always say when an on-line petion pops up:


They are a waste of time


The government, if it takes any notice at all, will treat them as a single response no matter how many sigs are appended. It may make you feel like you are doing something, but in reality you have acheived nothing. This is even more true as the ease of setting these things up has reduced them to spam status. Kudos to Fred for having a go, but energies better spent elsewhere I think.


Fax Your MP as mentioned above is better, a direct mail (NOT email) is even better. You don't need to be eloquent, you just need to state your opposition to a ban. If you wish to add supportive reasons (such as referencing the Burns report) then that's great, but the main thing is to make your opposition known.


Oh and join the CA or BASC as well!

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