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TV - Lie Of The Land


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I was concentrating on the two shows currently hot topics in General Banter but noticed (and recored via Sky+) that "Lie Of The Land" was on More 4 then More 4 +1 last night. I don't know if those are available via Freeview but might be worth keeping your eye on those channels for repeats shows - I know it was a popular choice amongst those that saw it before and some here were keen to see it if it was to be repeated. I think I missed recording the first few minutes but hopefully will be a good view when I have time.


Edited to add: Now that I'm home, I see that Lie of the Land can be downloaded / watched free from 4oD (Channel 4 on Demand http://www.channel4.com/4od/index.html

Edited by Piebob
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What's it about Piebob?






Farmers and their problems



Dave K



p.s having people like you doing their pest control





























and missing too many birds...........




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Dave K

Edited by Topgunners
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What's it about Piebob?






Farmers and their problems



Dave K



p.s having people like you doing their pest control





























and missing too many birds...........







Dave K



Yes I noticed you didn't call me Sunday with your results. Looks like I will have to come back up north and give you some more instruction :rolleyes:





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Thanks Piebob <_< Unfortunetly the rottie didn't want to watch it when the farmer was going to prepare 10 or so calves for the hounds.


Bitches 'eh :rolleyes: Can't live with them and really can't live with them :lol:




No worries min. I think you've seen it already anyway....http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=36611&hl=lie+of+the+land


I just remember people going on about it before and a few of us (including me) missed it

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fantastic show last night much better than thoose two other shows thats getting talked about in these forums lately (kill it, cook it, eat it. , Hugh's Chicken Run) Which in eyes is for the tree huggers and the people that dont like people eating meat which makes me laugh as how can you as such a thing thats how life works thoose people are foolsh.


And dont think i am in any way i condon with great pain and stress that anmails have to go through before the get killed in the slaughter house if the masses dont want to know what happens there soft just wnat there chops to taste nice and thats all that matters to most.....very sad!

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