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buying second hand guns and sending them


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an rfd is a registered firearms dealer. who you will need to buy a shotgun or firearm via post. not sure on cost ,but know someone who payed 20 pound for a 22 rimfir to be picked up from kent .hope this helps


its a good start and thanks, trying to work out if it is affordable to pay for courier and rfd or just wait untill gun comes available within travelling distance really


worth doing or just hang on and wait?


thanks for your info though

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find an RFD in your area and ask what they would charge to receive/transfer the gun. Then find the cost to ship it from the seller. If the cost of shipping and transfer on top of the price of the gun is still fair and acceptable, then buy it. If you think you can get a better deal then don't.


yep that sounds sensible obviously and thanks


has anyone done this?

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hiya all, i am looking into buying a new gun but most are to far away from me to travel, i have herd of using a courier to move them to a rfd? at extra cost etc, could someone explain this process in simple easy to explain steps..........


Are you buying an fac weapon or non fac you will have to get your license amended by the seller and i think it has to be in person unless an rfd does it for you, if its not an fac you can do as you like as long as you take every care in its safe transit. on that issue you should always see and check a weapon before you purchase it, make sure its legal and not over the 12ft if non fac, hope this helps

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I've sent/received a couple over the years. If your selling, take it to your local rfd and they will send it for about £20 (inc handling & postage costs) then the rfd at the other end (receiving) sometimes charges a fee to the buyer, but some will not charge so long as you buy some ammo etc from them or use them regularly. :) If it's difficult to find or too far to travel it can be worth it - but buying a gun unseen requires a lot of trust/garantee from the seller. :good:

Edited by Oly
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I've sent/received a couple over the years. If your selling, take it to your local rfd and they will send it for about £20 (inc handling & postage costs) then the rfd at the other end (receiving) sometimes charges a fee to the buyer, but some will not charge so long as you buy some ammo etc from them or use them regularly. :) If it's difficult to find or too far to travel it can be worth it - but buying a gun unseen requires a lot of trust/garantee from the seller. :good:


making good sence now


thanks very much

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hiya all, i am looking into buying a new gun but most are to far away from me to travel, i have herd of using a courier to move them to a rfd? at extra cost etc, could someone explain this process in simple easy to explain steps..........

far away in the UK is that possible :lol: isnt every thing with in 6 hours , here you can drive 16 hour ang get no where :good:

Edited by jcbruno
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I would always recommend you stike up a good long term relationship with a local gun dealer (in the nicest sort of straight way you understand). Always assumes you have a good one in your area. Spend your money with them and use them for as much of your kit as possible, maybe even intro a few friends etc. Want anything then I'm sure they'll be only too pleased to help out. Works for me. I get service, some discounts, recommendations and a lot of help.

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hiya all, i am looking into buying a new gun but most are to far away from me to travel, i have herd of using a courier to move them to a rfd? at extra cost etc, could someone explain this process in simple easy to explain steps..........

far away in the UK is that possible :good: isnt every thing with in 6 hours , here you can drive 16 hour ang get no where :lol:


In the UK to drive for 16 hour would cost far too much in fuel £1.09/Litre :lol:


Also on a friday night on the M25 you can drive for 16 hours and go nowhere as well :lol::lol:

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hiya all, i am looking into buying a new gun but most are to far away from me to travel, i have herd of using a courier to move them to a rfd? at extra cost etc, could someone explain this process in simple easy to explain steps..........

far away in the UK is that possible :lol: isnt every thing with in 6 hours , here you can drive 16 hour ang get no where :lol:


In the UK to drive for 16 hour would cost far too much in fuel £1.09/Litre :lol:


Also on a friday night on the M25 you can drive for 16 hours and go nowhere as well :lol::lol:


thanks for posts, very posative.

my only concern is that my local gun shop is quite a big one with loads to offer but all up market stuff and not the old baikal guns that i like etc, not the sort of place to be friendly and buy all my bits n bobs or would be skint very quick......


guna see them tomorrow and see if they will help but just wondering wether a cheap gun could work out to be real expensive after all costs, just a shame so far away otherwise would have collected tonight

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Try this buddy http://www.rfdnetwork.co.uk/ was set up by the airgun fraternity but there able to send shotguns and firearms you will find there prices lets say more reasonable than your average posh gun shop !!!!

also you may find that they have the kit you require also have a look <_<

Dorset Silencers4u.**.**

55 Avalanche Road




Tel: 01305 xxzzzzxx


RFD Number: RFDxx1D

£5 -£10 Fee For Transfer Depending on Item Value

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hiya all, i am looking into buying a new gun but most are to far away from me to travel, i have herd of using a courier to move them to a rfd? at extra cost etc, could someone explain this process in simple easy to explain steps..........


I was charged £30 delivery to RFD & my local RFD charged £25 for the admin. Standard charge now is £25 but it can differ - ask 1st.

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hiya all, i am looking into buying a new gun but most are to far away from me to travel, i have herd of using a courier to move them to a rfd? at extra cost etc, could someone explain this process in simple easy to explain steps..........


I was charged £30 delivery to RFD & my local RFD charged £25 for the admin. Standard charge now is £25 but it can differ - ask 1st.


good info there, learnt a lot and thanks all

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I've done this


The RFD your buying it from, you pay him, he then sends it to your local RFD who then puts it on your ticket as if you had brought it from him


You do need to first go and see the receiving local RFD explain ad ask permission he then has to send his details and proof of RFD to the RFD that you are buying off so that they know it is legitimate. It is not an uncommon practice. It was a couple of years ago that I done it and I believe that I was charged £20 each end



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