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Leupold Rifleman Scopes


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A Leupold is a good choice, but their Rifleman range is their budget range. I havent looked through one so wouldn't be able to pass comment. For £250 though I would be looking secondhand, if not, many on here like the MTC Viper or the Nikko Sterling Nighteaters - both should be within your budget new. :blink:

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I have a 3x9 by 50 rifleman on my .243. its the cheap end of the scale but im happy enough with the clarity and low light performance. ive also had a nikon monarch on the same rifle 5.5 - 16.5 x44. the nikon is better glass but i like a fixed parallax scope for lamping.

on your budget i would look at the monarch 6x42 best glass for your sort of money unless you get something 2nd hand.



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I've got a Leupold M8 6x42 you can have for £125 delivered (it's in good condition), a Leupold Vari XII 3-9 for £145, a Leupold 4-12 Rifleman which is very little used (not sure how to price that) and a Leupold Vari XII 4-12 with unmarked glass which you could have for £235 posted. All are boxed and in better condition than the prices suggest! I'm selling them as I'm reducing the number of rifles I have. Any use?

Edited by Sako7mm
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Is it a new rifle and have you plenty of cash to spend? If so buy new and buy something you will not be changing a year down the line but spend at least £350 or better still £450




Remember most of us work to a budget and buying a budget scope may just get you sorted until you decide for yourself what is best.


I used cheap Tasco scopes for years until they moved their lens supply from Japan to Taiwan and Korea and have just removed a 6-24 BDC from a 25-06 that was used for deer and fox that has served me well for 15 years as I have now sold the rifle. It is for sale if you want it - not like new but more than servicable and will no doubt be good for another 15 years at least.



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