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Nice evening out


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Firstly all good wishes for the new year !!


Sorry that i havn't had a posting for a while. Busy with work and holiday. Have done quite a bit of hunting and shooting but didn't post it. One of the latest day out was last monday. I was invited to sit by a treelane of berch and oak. The owner of the hunt saw tracks of wild boar roaming for food. The nuts are becoming scarce now and they are looking for them at places that are not deep in the woods. He asked me to sit by the spot they visited (all the earth was moved by their noses), he is sure they would come back. Also he laid some mais in the area to lure them in.

So started my evening at 20.00 hour. I sat with my back against a tree and layed my head to rest, quite a comfotable position. At 21.15 a fox came across the path 15 meters away, 10 minutes later another fox, this one looked at me and after a while just started his travels again. Quite amazing to see them this good and stealthy. At 22.00 i heard wild boar coming towards me through the woods, you can tell by the cracking of branches and leaves if youre a bit trained. Came in closer and closer, spied the area, no luck. Did not see them, they where breaking up the ground in the immidiate area and i could not see them (although the light of the moon was ok). So listened to them for 25 minutes and then they left, did not enter the "killing spot" where the maize was. Because i was sure they would came to this spot i didn't go for a stalk, which is by the way pretty difficult in a wood, you make loads of noise. So stalking was to risky, just sit thight and wait. At 22.45 two roe deer started to feed on the maize. No wild boar to see. At 23.35 the wind started to whirl round and the roedeer got wind of me, they moved off. I then thought this was a good time to go home and try another day. It was now raining for two hours constantly so this was pretty Ok for me.

So no shot or pictures, but a nice evening out. Better seeing and hearing wild game and experience the climate and nature then a evening in front of the television. :angry:

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In this case it could be so that the sow has piglets. Because of the good food season this summer and autumn 2007 the piglets from earlier 2007 grow big. When they are 35 kilo's the male boar can mount them and make new baby's. It is with wild boar not a question of age but weight <_<??? funny enough. So those "piglets"from the early season have piglets right now and also their mamma wild boar has her second litter. So in good seasons getting offspring goes pretty fast.


Over here we have seen piglets already. Another complication is that the male piglets from early this year are not welcome in the family group anymore if the older sow has her second litter. So they are off into the new world at a young age, making all sorts of trouble in gardens and roads (no leadership anymore)

Edited by Holland&Holland
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