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Having a mentor isn't as bad as it sounds. I went down the mentor route to get my .243 and it really did help me. You learn a hell of a lot off the chap and it was nice to have someone to talk to and about the day on your way home or walking around the fields.



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im applying for a fac soon and i am requesting a .17hmr but i also want a .222 but will i get the mentor condition on it on a first fac and is it optional because i am not gonna be happy if i do


They will impose conditions if they feel you are not sufficiently experienced, if you are all you have to do is demonstrate it and you've nothing to worry about.

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When I applied for my 6.5, I actually asked for a mentor so I could be fairly certain of getting it! I don't see the problem unless you don't really know anyone to take you? A .222 is a nasty bit of kit in amateur hands, and could get you into trouble if handled incorrectly. I just wanted to be sure I was safe, and now I know I am.


If you really don't want one then say in the interview that you don't know anyone to take you and have learned all you know from talking to people on here. Point out that some of us are very good and know our stuff, so any questions can be answered for you fairly quickly and you've been asking lots already. Unfortunately though nobody is local to you so we can't take you out. Say your main need is shooting shy Fox, so you've been told a rimfire isn't going to be humane enough for the job according to us and the home office guidelines.


You need to read up on ballistics and get a good idea about the potential of what you're buying 1. in case your FEO knows his stuff and 2. because it's good to know anyway. Learn the average potential ranges for the things you'll be shooting with all the guns you want. If you talk facts with him and show you know the safety requirements for what you want then you have a much greater chance of being allowed the .222. You may under some forces be told you'll have to just take the rimfire for 6 months and then get the .222 added once you have some experience. If that's the case, you'll just have to be patient I'm afraid!

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because i am not gonna be happy if i do

at 14 year old i would be grateful if thats the only condition i got.


I spotted that too- if thats the only condition you get at that age then be happy with it!!!!!!!


i guess im being a bit ungrateful if thats what i get <_<

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