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i have just returned from my first ever day out pigeon shooting and with the help of this forum, I had one of the best days shooting i have ever had. Although it was my first pigeon shoot i have been on many organised partridge and pheasant shoots and even shoot as part of a syndicate. But it seems pigeon shooting will be the order of the day from now on.


So what happened! :lol:


I was talking to a couple of chaps in the pub all about this pigeon shooting stuff and how interesting it sounded. When one of the guys mentions that he has 8 fields of wheat and barley growing and i can come and have a go when ever i like :):):)


So off i go one evening in the week to recce the site and try and find one of these mystery flight lines (never heard of them before the forum) Anyway i sat over in the farmers field for a couple of hours waiting for the pigeons to fly home for the night. Low and behold all these dam pigeons (around 20) all flew home over a similar line.


Two days later and iam off for the days shoot. :P :(

Out of bed at the crack of sparrows (4.45am - yes there is one). I then arrived and setup all the decoys about 18 and a magenet in an area of barley which has been laid flat about 25M from the hedge with them all facing into the wind in a rough U partern.


Anyway i am sat here wondering what a chump i must look all camoed up hinding behind my camo nets with a bunch of plastic pigeons laid out in front of me when a pigeon actually lands exactly where it was supposed too ;):oops:


In my complete shock i forgot to shoot the thing before it was off over the horizon.


Anyway during the day about 20 pigeons came in to take a look ( i'm not telling how many i actually shot - ok 6 :/ )


I struck me that even when i had missed the pigeon with the gun i had still won :lol: because i had managed to fool the bird - tops!!


What a fantastic sport thank you very much for all the help and advice and i just can't wait to get out there again

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Glad you have tasted the addictive hobby that is pigeon decoying. I also shoot at an organised pheasant shoot (Nov-Jan), but I have to say that being fairly new to decoying, I am fast becoming addicted to the sport. I must also thank everyone here for tips and general advice. Don't be afraid to ask anything. Someone will find the answer!

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Welcome James,


I have been pigeon decoying for a few months now, and I'm sure you will agree its just the best type of shooting there is, I sit there in a comfy chair with a cup of tea and a fag, then bingo the birds come to you.


I have just got a place for 8 days shooting for game birds later in the year so I am doing it the other way round, but I'm sure I will enjoy that also.




The PM

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