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Variation come through


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My variation came through today, only been about 2 weeks, good work Lincolnshire Firearms Dept.

I had a .22 bolt action rimmy and a .22 career 707 on fac but needed a .22 semi for those hectic rabbit days and a .17hmr for the longer range bunnies.

I added some land on the application for .22 and put the .17hmr on my previously aquired land and I guess it must be cleared for the variation to be passed, what do you reckon?

I might call the FAO just to check but why would they pass it unless it was cleared land. I didn't get a phone call or letter just the ticket back, no checks on the cabinet space etc but all was previously sorted I have room for even more in the Firearms cabinet and the shotgun one too.

I am now on the hunt for the newly added guns and mods to add to my arsenal, any going?

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Nice one! You'll love the HMR, it's a great little round. On the subject of getting the land cleared, the HMR is often deemed suitable for any ground passed for .22lr. In fact, some cleared for HMR isn't for .22lr! That's my experience with Gloucestershire, so maybe that explains why they've not been out to look at it again?


Good luck on the hunt for guns. My CZ HMR is great, so if you're after value for money I doubt you'll beat one of these :good:

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Hi picked up a CZ American .17hmr today and had it cropped to 15 inch and had a good mod and decentish scope fitted and gave it a try out, NICE..............

It will probably make the .22 bolt action a thing of the past, accuracy and distance is far superior glad I put in for one now.

Those bunnies better watch out now, they think they have the edge on me getting very wary and will not let anyone closer than 100yds before bolting back to safety. Reckon 150+yds is reasonable distance wind permitting for a good clean kill judging by the setting up shots.

Will let you know how I fair when I get a day spare, I have been told a richochet is very unlikely on these is that true?

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