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aled it sound like you have an unhealthy appitite for badgers mate. i just hope you dont mess with them mate. and the law isnt likely to change for some time mate, you and me both will be long gone before that happens !! they have been humanised mate !! what with badgers and mashed potatoe and stuff...{cbbc} :lol:

besides they do have a certain character of there own. not like old scaly tail, or bugs!!

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Chris, we have a pest, over 100 on the farm, fox's give no trouble to lambs but badgers do, they take the heads off like a knife takes melted butter apart. we lose more lambs from badgers in 1 lambing season than from fox's in about 5 years, and we can tell a fox killing and a badger killing. this year if we had lost more than 20lambs to badgers we were going to get the government to gas, but we only lost 13 and we lost 1 from a fox but that lamb was ill.

i see about 2/3 a week on the roads and then about 2 on the farm, about one every time i go out at night.


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Hello guys,

I would just like to comment on badgers and ask if anyone has ever killed one.


These animals are our largest carnivore and are a very social animal, I have spent many years rebuilding and reinforcing sets that have been dug out by baiters because I have a real passion for these social docile animals.


These people are the lowest scum on this earth and if I knew of anyone I would be calling the police immediately.


I do understand that areas of the country do have large populations, as I worked with Oxford University and David Mcdonald, writer of the Velvet Claw series on TV. We studied these animals in large detail with many sets having 24hr surveillance to cover all aspects of there lives. The information gained was immense and some of footage was amazing.


I do agree if they are out of control then areas do need to live trapped and these animals transported to areas that are free of badgers due to intense digging from terrier men, but to just kill them is insane.


Most people in this country will go through live never seeing face to face our largest carnivore and to want to kill these animals is just the wrong way to go about it.


My father has a large set just at the top of an orchard at his home and these badgers have 24 hr protection because of a surveillance system I installed, they were getting pestered by baiters so these are the lucky ones.


So lets look at other means than to shoot or kill these social and spectacular creatures.


The PM

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I do agree that badgers can be a real problem in some areas, and they can be a risk to cattle stocks due to TB.


The reality is that badgers no longer have any natural predators, and I agree that in some areas they need to be controlled. However, it is illegal to shoot, and even to disturb them without a specific license from DEFRA. The government has agreed that control is required, yet have been dragging their heels over it.


There are far more badgers about these days than there used to be. Relocating them is a bad idea as they are fiercely territorial.


Don't misunderstand me. I like to see badgers about too, just in the same way I like to see a fox, or even a few rabbits about as well. However, all populations of wild animals need to be carefully managed.




On the subject of the New Zealand pig hunting (which is what this thread is about after all). The pig is a non-native species over there and does a great deal of damage to the natural environment. It is my belief that all non-native species which upset the natural balance of the ecosystem must be hunted with impunity, and ideally be eradicated.

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