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barrieO, I have AdAware and Spybot.

I also have Spyware Blaster (a free programme), that stops the cookies before they get on to your PC.

Since installing it, AdAware hasn,t found anything. :)


What I get when I log on to polecats site, is Norton Firewall warnings that Internet Explorer is trying to contact the Internet.

It has happened every time I have logged on, it doesn,t happen on any other sites.

I just wondered why.

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I use sygate firewall and nothing is happening nor on my hardware firewall on my router when i go on to the website .A women at works husband uses norton and complains about messages all the time .


It could just be your security settings for active x or java


see here




other than that i would'nt worry about it .

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barrieO, run AdAware delete any trackers, then click on polecats site.

Then run AdAware again. :)


Nope, all my settings are fine and I don,t normally get Norton Firewall warnings, when logging on to sites.

I may have more "protection" on my PC than most Users, but I have had one cookie crash and I don,t want another one.

Perhaps my PC is just allergic to polecats website. :)

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