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greatest embarrasment

Paul in North Lincs.

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many many moons ago

i was in a nightclub with friends

now i had a few drinks inside me so i was feeling very confident and sure about myself :good:

anyway as the evening went on i notice a group of men kept looking are way .and one was really giving me the big come on .

me being so sure of myself turn to my mates .and told them to watch me go in for the kill .

i waited for the right song to be played .so i could make my move .in a very seductive way .

lucky enough i did not have to wait long .

i stood up smooth out the creases in my tight little dress .then did the walk (the one that make men jaws drop to the floor ).over to my prey.

o it was going so well .or so i thought .

i was so busy trying to look sexy and +being slightly merry . i had forgotten the place was full of mirrors .

so the group of men were behind us not in front .

the next thing i remember is two of my mates picking me up off the floor . and trying to reassure me that no one had notice me trying to come on to a mirror. :good::angry::lol::lol:


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I had a very similar story to the one at the start of the thread moving an old cast iron framed piano with my brother and Father.


My father and I were at either end with my brother in the middle. On a count of three we heaved the piano up and started to move forwards with it, The excersion caused my brother to let out a machine gun like **** and we completly creased up causing my father to drop his end straight through the floor boards. Never laughed as hard as that since!

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Paul in the North wrote:


I have just been in a meeting at an empty warehouse with my client (the vendor) and potential investors.

Now these 3 were your sterio typical snobby types, and one very well groomed lady in her 30's with a look of Chatherine Zita Jones...... absolutely drop dead!......turned up in a new Bently of all things....................you can picture the sort

All was going well.......until I dropped my pen.

I bent down to pick it up, and accidently blew out a f*rt, that was loud enough rival concords sonic boom...... clearly last nights Valentines squid and sea weed starter was the cause.




I can only remember 1 friday night when that DIDN'T happen to me! :good:



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many many moons ago

i was in a nightclub with friends

now i had a few drinks inside me so i was feeling very confident and sure about myself :lol:

anyway as the evening went on i notice a group of men kept looking are way .and one was really giving me the big come on .

me being so sure of myself turn to my mates .and told them to watch me go in for the kill .

i waited for the right song to be played .so i could make my move .in a very seductive way .

lucky enough i did not have to wait long .

i stood up smooth out the creases in my tight little dress .then did the walk (the one that make men jaws drop to the floor ).over to my prey.

o it was going so well .or so i thought .

i was so busy trying to look sexy and +being slightly merry . i had forgotten the place was full of mirrors .

so the group of men were behind us not in front .

the next thing i remember is two of my mates picking me up off the floor . and trying to reassure me that no one had notice me trying to come on to a mirror. :lol::lol::blush::blush:




**** and you owe me a j-cloth for cleaning up the monitor as the rottie says I have ruined it with beer.





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i used to work for a kitchen manufacturing company about 15 years ago, i had been in trouble for blobbing and ariving late and was under the impresion my job was on the line. guess what it was all down do the drink ( wouldnt you no). anyway i was on 6-2 shift and was on the way to the pub with a hardened drinker after work and i had been warned by the team leader/supervisor i had better be in and in on time for tommorows shift.. he got the usual yeh yeh yeh :lol: .. oh did i get drunk? the lad i was with used do do 4 pints in the first 30/40 minutes then slow right down and this was back in the day when 4 pints left me messy :lol: . i was on carling premier and he was on bitter, keeping up was no problem at the begining but we split in the pub and i lost count ..drink was flowing and i was in bed for 5pm, steaming. well i woke up for work at 7.30 and was already late 1.5 hours so i phoned the taxi whalst trying to get dressed.it was just coming day light as i went through sowerby bridge and the chippy owner was cleaning up, i couldn't belive it. whats that daft c@@t doing in there at this time of morning i said to the driver and he just looked at me like i was a ****. got to work paid the driver and staggered in..i didnt recognise most of the people. they were looking at me as i was banging in to the office and laughing as i went to see were my shift was, only to find out it was the same day....i could have done with one of these :lol: the next day. i went of to the snooker club to console myself and yes i did make it to work the day after


sorry it was so long

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