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Just got home!


Legs feel like lead! Didnt realise it would be spread over such an area.


Trude looked amazing! I would too SS! (But my girlfriend wasn't to know that)!!!!! :no:


Ben Fogle was taller than I imagined and much more tanned! :no:


Got loads of free treats for my 2 GSD's. :good:


Great day out. (Apart from the mile long queue for the car park shuttle bus). :o




P.S Looking forward to the Best in Show programme Sunday BBC 2.

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I was pleased of the choice for Best in Show too. What a superb looking Schnauzer! I'll agree with the comments on the Beagle too.


Someone did actually mail in to the programme and ask them why the American Cocker was still listed as a gundog and got the answer that it is descended from working stock and still has the heart and soul of a working dog. That sounds like ****e to me as the King Charles must be about the same sort of thing, but is just about as poncy. I wonder if it would be possible to get it reclassified...


Cranners... Do you get the Independent on Sunday? They had an article about breeds at risk (Clumber and Sussex spaniels were two) and one of the others was the Otterhound. I'll see if I can scan it and send it over if you don't have it.

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