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Midland game fair


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the lady on the ciggy stand opposite went mental and made us switch it off! :*)

She was a right miserable old cow bag, didn't even sell marlboros or bensons! I mean ***! I got a good old telling off when I had a grumble. I left with a pack of davidoff and a right flea in my ear.


Yes there were plenty of ***** types there for sure, alot of people had a few hastles. Good to hear that no real serious damage was done.

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Well I have just got back, last night, from the Midland Game fair. Actually I was fortunate enough to be able to stay with my mate, who lives a mile from the Park, and have been there since last Wednesday.


I thoroughly enjoyed the fair and bought a few bargains, including a camouflage handkerchief of all things !! :devil:


I called in on Deako and Mark, ( and thank you both for the usual hospitality, and bargain, Mark.) If either of you need a minder for next years fair give me a call :blink:


Yes Gemma, it was good to meet yourself and Will. Will is a very lucky young man.


As regards the Father Christmas, I may be able to help you. Last year, at the fair, I met up with one of the members on here. A.R.P. A thoroughly decent chappie.The description you give, fits him to a tee.


As regards the traffic, when I get the time, I will be sending an email to the organisers. I was blessed,staying so near that I was straight in and out both days.


P.S. Ern.....I didn't let the side down. I got my free tickets :P:P

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