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Landrover Defender


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Just brought an old 1987 110 Landrover for general rough use. All looks pretty good considering its age, except for the bulk head door pillar at the top. I've seen for sale some repair panels for this part. What im not sure on is if you plate it over the top and fit the door hinge back onto it or do you cut it out and put the new section in?



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Just brought an old 1987 110 Landrover for general rough use. All looks pretty good considering its age, except for the bulk head door pillar at the top. I've seen for sale some repair panels for this part. What im not sure on is if you plate it over the top and fit the door hinge back onto it or do you cut it out and put the new section in?




You may be able to use standard gauge sheet metal but do landys not have aluminium roofs? could make welding tricky!!


Obviously the B (?) post/pillar is steel otherwise it wouldnt be rotten! but how's it joined to the roof?


Clean it all with a grinder first before cutting to expose the bits you need to replace, they will be more extensive than you first think. Then blast it with rust killer and see how well it comes back. Before you cut it out, make sure you use some stiff card to get the shape and dimensions of the profile, and use that as template for cutting the new piece.


Finally you cut!


Re-hang and close the door after you tack the new bit in, before welding up all the seams - it will help position the repair properly.


Use MIG, not gassless for welding, which runs too hot for thin body panels and will blow them through. and for !!!! sake remember to disconnect the battery! and make sure the fuel lines under the floor pan are OK, sparks get everywhere. I have even had underseal catch fire.



Good luck.

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Just brought an old 1987 110 Landrover for general rough use. All looks pretty good considering its age, except for the bulk head door pillar at the top. I've seen for sale some repair panels for this part. What im not sure on is if you plate it over the top and fit the door hinge back onto it or do you cut it out and put the new section in?



got a spare bulk head that has been cold galved and painted black and im not that far away and can give you had replacing it PM me for details.

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