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First Kill With My Scout


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After a Fair few practice sessions on targets, and a problem with a manufacturing defect on my T4


(came with the rifle, couldnt get the rifle to group. Was going spare, had a good look at everything, then noticed one of the baffles in the mod wasnt drilled properly, a piece of metal just under 1mm high and 2.5mm long was protruding into the hole the bullet passes through. Not enough to touch it, but was probably causing turbulence as it passed through. Carefully re drilled it and hey Presto. Think I now know why the gun and Mod was so cheap with only 40 shots through it! :blink: )

I took my .223 steyr scout out. Decided to stick to a few rabbits first time out untill Im confident with the rifle. Took two out on my own, driving lamping and shooting was getting a bit tiring. Luckily a friend called by later on, who offered to drive the Argocat while I shot. Another 3 rabits, 5 shots 5 kills. Then missed two :good: And finaly finished on a high after taking two more. 7 rabbits from 9 shots in the end.

.223 Is definately more than enough for bunnys :yes:



Went for chest shots.A bit gorey but at least its an instant kill. Well chuffed, being such a short gun its really handy in and out of the argo. :good:

After photographing the first bunny, which took about 10 mins... couldnt find my phone, put the lights on to go, and too my surpise a fox downwind had smelt the ready gutted coney,he was about 150 yards and closing fast, reloaded quickly and got down into the rifle, but as he came nearer he had caught my scent too and was off in the direction of a couple of houses bordering the farm so no chance of a shot. Thought It was going to be my first rabbit and fox kill with the rifle all within 20 mins, but no such luck. Oh well next time fingers crossed!

Edited by SidneyG
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Yep it is a bit, but as long as its a quick kill with no suffering my conscience is clear. Will go back to the .22 rimmy for rabbits now, but wanted to get my confidence before tackling larger prey. I cant stand wouding from poor shot placement and didnt want to risk it with any foxs untill I knew I was on the money. :good:

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That I have already done a lot before going after live prey.Very different to shooting in the field though. I am trying to make sure whatever I do is quick with no suffering. If it Offends people then I will happily remove the post, but in my opinion overkill is better than wounding. :good:

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Why on earth did you think it necessary to post that picture? What did it add to the post? Surely the story would have

been enough on it's own?


I just can not understand why posting gory images of animals helps anyone. We have all seen dead rabbits and foxes before, we

don't need to be reminded what they look like.


Maybe we should all remember this is a public forum, and ANYONE can view these pictures....including the anti's and

the police licensing authority that granted you your FAC.

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For starters nice shooting and ignore the PC shooters with regards "overkill" as its pest controll at the end of the day. Start to reload your own as its as cheap as chips and far more accurate / consistent. Costs me 22p per round :good: and i,m now finding myself leaving the HMR at home more and more. I am currently thinking about trading my .223 for a scout as its one of my all time fav rifles with the added benefit of a weaver rail as standard so i could drop my NV scope on with ease. How do you find it performs at the longer distances ?

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Why on earth did you think it necessary to post that picture? What did it add to the post? Surely the story would have

been enough on it's own?


I just can not understand why posting gory images of animals helps anyone. We have all seen dead rabbits and foxes before, we

don't need to be reminded what they look like.


Maybe we should all remember this is a public forum, and ANYONE can view these pictures....including the anti's and

the police licensing authority that granted you your FAC.


Fair enough,appologies, as I said If it offends anyone I will remove it, so thats what I'll do. Im definetly not the first person to show such a picture. I did warn people in the title:good:

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Is it not a bit expensive shooting rabbits with a .223?


Yes, and not intending to use the .223 as my everyday rabbit tool,I have the .22lr. but if you read the rest of the thread you will understand why. New calibre, gun, and scope too me, I know wherever I hit a rabbit with this its dead, whereas I could easily wound and cause suffering to larger prey like a fox If my shot placement was not good.Now I know the rifle, scope, and my ability with the new setup is up to the Job It will be a foxing tool. Plinking targets can only do so much :good:

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For starters nice shooting and ignore the PC shooters with regards "overkill" as its pest controll at the end of the day. Start to reload your own as its as cheap as chips and far more accurate / consistent. Costs me 22p per round :lol: and i,m now finding myself leaving the HMR at home more and more. I am currently thinking about trading my .223 for a scout as its one of my all time fav rifles with the added benefit of a weaver rail as standard so i could drop my NV scope on with ease. How do you find it performs at the longer distances ?


Thankyou, Im just looking into homeloading, it looks to be the way forward. You wont regret getting a scout. It is such a practical rifle, handles lovely. A lot of the shots last night were free hand, despite feeling light, its really steady and points well. The dilema I have is that I have a lot of rabbits and a lot of foxes to control. Cant go at foxes with the .22 (that would end in me getting another telling off :lol: ) and its difficult to take two rifles round with me. Unfortunately dont have time to be out every night, and you can garauntee If i dont have the scout with me there are charlies everywhere :good: Im guessing you find yourself in the similar situation if the HMR is left at home. Hav'nt taken any shots over 150yards yet, Had the chance but am still learning. Will group sub 1" at 150yards. Heres the proof, of its integrel bipod (not the best) with 50gr federal american eagle.


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I dont want to cause any upset or controversy, this forum is worth way more than that. Pics will stay deleted me thinks. No hard feelings Browning, you have obviously been part of this longer than I have and will accept your guidance on what you deem acceptable, I consider my wrists well and truly slapped! :good: . If you are desperate to see the images of the terminal balistics test Pm me! :lol:

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I dont want to cause any upset or controversy, this forum is worth way more than that. Pics will stay deleted me thinks. No hard feelings Browning, you have obviously been part of this longer than I have and will accept your guidance on what you deem acceptable, I consider my wrists well and truly slapped! :good: . If you are desperate to see the images of the terminal balistics test Pm me! :lol:


No slapping of anything meant by my post Sidney, (That's the mods job, not ours) and I apologise to you if it seemed that way.


What I was trying to get over was the point that this is a public forum that can be viewed by the anti brigade and

the law.


We, as law abiding responsible gun owners, need to be seen as such, and it's my opinion that gory photos can only

help to fuel the anti machine.

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