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Lying to get Land.

Dirty Harry

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Was chatting to my Father in Law today. Turns out he has had a bloke round asking for permission. He told him that he had seen thousands of pigeons on his rape and offered his services free of charge!


Now I have been watching that field as has my father in law and there has never been thousands of pigeons near that field.

Today I saw 6 and they all flew off whan they saw me.


Father in law told him no thanks. :lol:


Would any of you tell lies to get some permission?



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In my limited experience farmers know their land far better than you do so if you tell them something which is not true they will know immediately and that's the permission chance gone. Not for me I'm afraid, ******** catches up eventually and the easiest way to make sure it doesn't catch you is not to use it.



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No, absolutely not. Besides, I've never yet met a landowner/farmer who couldn't smell a bull******* at half a mile, just like your father in law did! :lol:


Maybe not, but how many times have you had a call with "THE FIELD IS BLUE!, BLUE I TELL YA LAD, GET YA GUN UP HERE!!!"


Only to find "athsma eric" the respiratory disease-challenged feral by himself sat on the field ? :lol:

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