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Thank you for your post mr maiden22 i whole hartedly agree with you and you most defiantly not a boreing old pump your a maiture careing person with real care and passion for our sport and i for one am greatful for your post and apriecate your comments but im also pleased of tonights avents as it went down so well with my cocopops infact it helped me to enjoy 3 bowls of the fine chocolate poppers.... :lol::P :P


But in all seriousnes i dont like to people speak of violence wether in geast or real and when it comes from FAC holders it saddens me even more as these should be finer than fine pillers of the community and should ALWAYS be aware that they have a great responsibilty and shouldnt ever let childish antick's get the better of them, i can be as immature as i like as i only have an air rifle :lol: :lol: :lol: [joke] no realy even though i have an air weapon im still aware its a weapon and treat it and myself and others with great respect and only make comments of fun and joke to close freinds who know me well and who know my intentions in life are good.....


any way maiden i dont want a date or nothing :lol: :lol: just wanted to say your not the only grumpy pump............. ps im sorry for my spelling and grammer.... but it has got better and thats down to the watch :lol: :lol: :lol:

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"This includes making inappropriate remarks on, say, a public forum. One silly remark about ripping off heads and criminal damage with a shotgun could easily be used out of context to paint the whole lot as a bunch of trigger happy gun nuts."


:yes: "Ripping heads off and shooting his clay traps", what other context did you have in mind for this ? Must agree that it ain't too smart, but we are not talking Albert Einstein IQ here, (or Albrt Steptoe come to that). I am puzzled as to how this can be taken out of context.

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Viking has demonstrated to me that he has no place holding an SGC. If he meant it as a joke, I don't share his humour. If he didn't mean it, why post it - to make himself appear "hard":yes: - do me a favour. If he meant it, he should lose his cert.


SGCs carry responsibility. If you don't like that, surrender your certificate.

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No matter what it is all about it is a timely reminder of the fact this forum is public anyone with an internet connected PC can read what we write.


Just Google some key words about shooting and see how quickly you end up back here.


Maybe if more people thought about that they would think before they post :yes:

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