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realtree rifle


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after the binocular incident, i decided that i wanted to do my rifle, but thought id try it out on my sons Cobra first. it only has a small scope (x20) so i reckoned that would look ggod done as well. let me know what you think, as i dont want to knacker the finish on my rifle if it looks like a plank o wood :lol:














and the stock.




best to do the fiddly bits first.




















and the finished article.....




im not going to do the barrel on this, but might on my own one. ???

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The finished article doesn't look that bad, but i must ask, after a few cleaning sessions and the odd dribble of oil will the glue on the tape turn all sticky


and you couldn't be doing that with any decent or expense scope :hmm:


jager sporting arms do good paint work :yes::lol:

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i know what you are saying, but i ve checked the scope and as its only a cheapy, it seems to be fine. wouldnt do it on a better scope, this one is just for fun, just considering if i could do a good enough job on my stock.

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Taking that cheap scope apart reminded me of when, as a lad the "cross hairs" and they were hairs, were reclining at them bottom of the field of view. I took it apart and replaced them with fuse wire. The reticule was somewhat thick and looked **** but worked. :hmm:

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Very nice!


Who can paint a rifle stock here in the UK for a decent price?


I only want it done matt-black really! Can't find anywhere - I won't be DIYing it as anything involving paint I seem to destroy!



There is a guy named James (kalidascope on the bbs i think) who will dura coat it for you for less than a £100 i think - smae guy paul is on about from jager arms

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