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A sad story but a familiar one, good luck mung.


Luckily one of my customers mentioned that theyd had a hell of a week as the boiler had broken and the bloke from BG had taken a look and declared it obsolete and quoted for replacement. Thankfully they hadnt given the go ahead.


Orderd a new pump from BES and fitted it total 2 hours work plus the pump, BG had quoted £4000 for a new boiler :no:

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A system flush is now standard procedure under CORGI installation rules so that is standard.


Did she accept the works or was it done at gunpoint?


If not then there is no case to answer at the end of the day.


British gas charge through the nose full stop. She should have gone to an 'honest plumber'.


This is all very well but until people make a stand they will continue to get away with it (though I understand where you're coming from Starlight).


Many people believe they will get fleeced by a plumber they don't know - the building trade is full of scam merchants and plumbers are renowned for overpricing or charging for unnecessary work. Like many they prey on our ignorance.


If you don't know an honest plumber then what do you do? Most (wrongly) will turn to B/Gas believing them to be a trustworthy and honest household name.


When we moved we had no hot water - didn't know a plumber so had to take a risk using someone local. 20min job and a small part in the boiler replaced - he ripped us off for £160 labour (8 years ago). When we installed a complete new system guess who didn't get the work!


By the way Mung - I know a good solicitor if you need one :no:


British Gas are known for being mercenary. While in my earlier post I feel I may have been a little harsh on the lady as she knew no better. There are only two things which worry the average householder- Water and electrics. Best I can suggest to any individual who is concerned about being ripped off is to insure against plumbing problems, but do-not use the British Gas policy. Something goes wrong you pick up the phone and it is repaired within a couple of days.

We must also blame the regulatory bodies for all the additional costs. A system flush was something a plumber done as a matter of course if the system required it after putting a new boiler in. CORGI now decide it is madatory so their go- Where there regulation there's cash!

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My mother in law has had a full house hold appliance policy for years with BG . She pays £28 a month . All household equipment is covered for breakdowns and damage 24 hours a day.


Complete and utter BULL


Her washing machine leaked water flooded the kitchen and hallway in there bungalow . A distraught phone call to them and was told a plumber would be out to them within the next 3 days. She explained that she was 74 years old and couldnt cope with a flood for this long. The reply was ok because of your age we will be there within 2 days as it was only the call center that opperated 24 hours

She then called me and the problem was rectified within half an hour at no cost whatso ever . It was a blocked solenoid valve . Blew it out job done

Because she has this contract she gets preferential rates on a boiler service each year.

Three years running she was told she needed another air brick fitting. She now has more ventilation than a dove cote.

There is always a reason to take more of your money .


Best advice imho is to leave them well alone

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My mother in law has had a full house hold appliance policy for years with BG . She pays £28 a month . All household equipment is covered for breakdowns and damage 24 hours a day.


Complete and utter BULL


Her washing machine leaked water flooded the kitchen and hallway in there bungalow . A distraught phone call to them and was told a plumber would be out to them within the next 3 days. She explained that she was 74 years old and couldnt cope with a flood for this long. The reply was ok because of your age we will be there within 2 days as it was only the call center that opperated 24 hours

She then called me and the problem was rectified within half an hour at no cost whatso ever . It was a blocked solenoid valve . Blew it out job done

Because she has this contract she gets preferential rates on a boiler service each year.

Three years running she was told she needed another air brick fitting. She now has more ventilation than a dove cote.

There is always a reason to take more of your money .


Best advice imho is to leave them well alone

£28 a month! S'trewth, that's £336 a year! She could buy a new appliance at the rate of one a year and still be in profit, how can they justify these prices? And even worse, how can they justify taking this amount of money and then tell a 74 year old woman that she has to put up with a leak for two days! Horrific!

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Rob I fear you are right.


But there maybe a quantum meruit argument i.e. ask the court to value the contract "for what it was worth".


We shall see what they say.


Failing that watchdog 100% :lol:



I would certainly give Watchdog a go. No harm in trying, plus from what I remember they love having a pop at British Gas. They always (and quite rightly) single them out, what with their huge price increases, expensive work and us spending hours trying to speak to someone on their 'customer service' phone lines!


Good luck mate :rolleyes:

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