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Exchange & mart


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:D Perhaps I am being too cynical or sarcastic but for the last couple of days Pigeon Watch seems to have turned into nothing more than a shooting equipment "Exchange & Mart" forum.

We have a "buy sell or swap" section for people to do a bit of private trading etc but every section at the moment seems to contain articles on who sells the best or the cheapest bits and pieces etc.

If I want to just read adverts I will pick up my copy of S/Gun or other such magazine,I don,t want to just read adverts here.

Lets get back to the talk and tips about  pigeon shooting and other field sports interspersed with our banter and jokes.

Sorry,but had to air my views.

???  ???

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I think the problem is differentiating between blatant self promotion/selling and "tips and advice".


If people have no personal involvement in a Company or a product, that is "tips and advice".

The waterproof coat thread is an example, lots of information and recommendations posted, but nobody is selling anything.


If members have anything to sell, please restrict your "advertising" to the ForSale/Wanted section.

That might help. :D

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:D Sorry if I didn,t make my post too clear (the wine bottle is nearly empty) but I have no objection to  people comparing brands of clothing or equipment,after all that is a big help to all of us and what this forum is about.

It just seems to me that a lot of commercial advertising is creeping in through the back door lately.

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If this post is aimed at me, I apolagise to all, as I said to deako I just joined 2 nights ago, I read the rules and didnt see anything regarding dealers, so there fore took it that it was ok, I cant be expected to know what has been argued over and been discussed before I joined the forum, but now that it has been pointed out to me will adhere to the rules.


I didnt just come here to make a quick buck, I have a genuine

interest in pigeon shooting, have been doing it for some 24 years.


So you can go back to your wine bottle and sup away in the knowledge that you wont see and comercial adverts from my self.


I think youl find if you read all my posts in the last 2 days I have contributed to some good posts, and enjoyed reading and learning from others.


I hope this meets with your aproval


Have a good night gentlemen



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I'm sure the post doesn't just relate to you.

All of us with a commercial interest have perhaps hijacked the site lately, intentionally or not.

You were not to know of this, being a new member.

Don't worry about it, you're right, you've made some good and interesting contributions.

Welcome aboard, and keep posting... ???  :D

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Reynard, I wasn,t knocking you personally and no offence was intended.

I have read all of your posts and you have indeed contributed some great and interesting information.

As I said earlier,adverts are appearing in all forums now in one form or another and I think out and out selling should be in the appropriate section.

Users posting their experiences of different products etc is valued in any of the forums.

The wine bottle is empty now so its off to bed. 8-)

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Great to see another company owner on the website, you did cause a small misdemeaner by pushing your wares but to make amends and keep everybody sweet, offer to sponser William's next competition.  I am a new member myself but unfortunately I am a worker (I think I have spelt that right) so I have nothing to advertise.  Welcome to the site Reynard

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Well seeing that I just started in business 9 months ago, and have invested all my gathered wealth into my business (which wouldnt buy a new small car). you being a worker have a wage coming in every week, regular, I dont have that privelidge of that so far, I am hopeing it will take off and provide me with a nice living but as of yet it isnt even covering my initial outlay.

So for all you guys thinking I am sitting in a big gun shop sorry to disapoint you, spare room in the house is as good as it gets.

Hopeing to make enough money this week so as I can get a haircut.

The main thing is I am trying to break into an industry that has been my passion for years, I like nothing better than chatting to my customers on their shooting exploits.

Its nice to be working, doing something that is your hooby and passion, I strive to give a fair deal to the shooter that has been getting ripped off for years, If any other dealer see's this and is miffed then prove otherwise, I am speeking from personel experiences in my area,


I havent sdvertized ever in any local wrags, word of mouth is my only advert.


I have sold 2 of my rifles and selling a 3rd to have some money to invest in buying some products.


So if william feels up to it, I am looking for a sponsor (hehe bet that makes him smile).


As the sayting goes God loves a tryer , and I certainly am trying.


So take pitty guys and send me some old socks or pullovers to see me through the cold nights.





Ps doing a cheap deal on hankerchiefs if anyones eyes are wet, with laughing I hope.

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