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Bi-pods can be used on springers to effect but your much better off trying to find something softer to use as a rest. Springers will shoot diffeently prone, standing , kneeling, its all down to the mechanics of the gun.


Distance wise, the rule of thumb is as far as you can consistently hit a 2 pence coin sized target. Pace out a range and place some paper targets out. On a legal limit gun you should be able to reach 30/35 yards consistently.

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Now Now, ... who,s taking the *****...Now???..... a comet is no good at all to take anything but a sparrow.. or a starling out at point blanc range!!!.... Be carefull here in your replies...... its probally a reporter on the local paper trying to make himself, look good.!!!

Edited by Axe
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You need to take a bit more time wording your questions better. Are you asking that your worried your knocking it off zero? I can only conclude that you are missing shots. If you are, you need to stop shooting at live targets until you are confidently grouping consistently.


Otherwise, the scope will take light knocks without being affected, remember, it has to put up with the forces the springer throws at it. But if the scope takes a heavy knock, you should check your zero on a paper target before using it again on live quarry.

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Now Now, ... who,s taking the *****...Now???..... a comet is no good at all to take anything but a sparrow.. or a starling out at point blanc range!!!.... Be carefull here in your replies...... its probally a reporter on the local paper trying to make himself, look good.!!!



isn't a comet just a supersport in a synthetic stock.

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