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how much land


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can anyone tell me how much land is needed to get a 17hmr rifle on ? as you can proberly tell i am getting closer to applying and just gathering info first.thanks

Impossible to say, it depends upon the layout of the land, what's on it, the land owner, and most of all, your FEO. You are obviously having doubts as to the suitability of your land, to be asking this question, I would suggest having a chat with him before you apply.

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no doubts just curious as if there was a amount required the land i have is perfect it is all rolling valleys and not in wales no fear of straying bullets.just curious if there was a limit to how much in acres. thankyou

Shouldn't be a problem if it's as you describe it. Acreage does not really come into it, as long as it's regarded as safe you will get it. I would check if it has been approved for any other firearms, if it has you are on a winner.

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can anyone tell me how much land is needed to get a 17hmr rifle on ? as you can proberly tell i am getting closer to applying and just gathering info first.thanks

Impossible to say, it depends upon the layout of the land, what's on it, the land owner, and most of all, your FEO. You are obviously having doubts as to the suitability of your land, to be asking this question, I would suggest having a chat with him before you apply.


Bob ,This one allways seem to be a bit of a grey area to me .what happens if a piece of land is turned down for say .22 rf or .308 . C an a stalker with an open certificate then go on to the land to shoot the deer . I have shot deer on land that has never been surveyed albeit large areas of arable . The conditions of my open ticket are and i quote - The .308 ruger rifle and ammunition shall be used for shooting deer and for zeroing on ranges,or land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot . Harnser .

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Ive got access to a 20 acre wood in a valley but its been knocked back for everything but a shotgun,

due to a railway line that runs along side the wood 150 metres away which you cant see if your down in the wood even a .22rf


I can,t see why youve been refused this land !!, i have a 20 acre golf club which has a railway line running all the way down the left hand side of it and i,ve had it passed up to a .22 Hornet !!!!!!! allso i have a 30 acre farm that the M6 runs along side of and i can see the service area from the land - thats passed for the Hornet as well



Edited by rec-baller
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