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Ban on Labour MPs

Fisherman Mike

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Instead of a debate, consensus and vote on the future of hunting and other field sports I propose a counter motion to rid the country of Labour MPs who supported the invasion of Iraq and took us into an unnecessary war which has resulted in the death of 85 British troops to date.


They are a curse on this society and should be brought to Justice. Obviously by their actions they hold the life of a Fox or other Animal Vermin higher than that of a Human being.


In some respects I hope a ban on hunting is successful as it will ultimately lead to the disposition of the Labour Government and some educated, sensible people being elected, rather than the American lead ventriloquists dummies we have in charge at the moment.


God Bless America :yp: ( and lets hope we never find loads of oil under Cumbria)



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have you guys noticed how tony (should be lionel :P ) blair coppies his hero bush ,in his walk or strut ,arms out like hes been working out , :rolleyes:;)

blow it out your **** blair ,from this ex pat and many like me he's an embarrassment to the nation ,the sooner you guys are rid of him the better. :yp: :rolleyes:


just an old thatcherite at heart :*)

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Instead of a debate, consensus and vote on the future of hunting and other field sports I propose a counter motion to rid the country of Labour MPs who supported the invasion of Iraq and took us into an unnecessary war which has resulted in the death of 85 British troops to date.


They are a curse on this society and should be brought to Justice. Obviously by their actions they hold the life of a Fox or other Animal Vermin higher than that of a Human being.


In some respects I hope a ban on hunting is successful as it will ultimately lead to the disposition of the Labour Government and some educated, sensible people being elected, rather than the American lead ventriloquists dummies we have in charge at the moment.


God Bless America :rolleyes: ( and lets hope we never find loads of oil under Cumbria)



I like the cut of your jib Mike !

I for one would be glad to see the back of my anti-hunting , war supporting MP.

The lady in question was put into a safe seat ,as she was one of the so called "Blairs babes." Now i know his eye site is not very good , but still Blair's babes ...lmao!


all the best yis yp :yp:

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with you there FM.

but if Gordon Brown came to power we don't have a chance, and farmers dont either.

Tories are the best best for shooting and Farmers i think.. but in Wales.. Plaid Cymru is made up of over half farmers and farming backgrounds so were not to bad, but meat value is still worth 1/6 of what it is on the shelf.


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