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Recommended weight of trigger pull


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dont go too light (the 2nd heaviest spring I chose is about right)


AND be very careful if you use the thickest tube as it can make the trigger sear on the point of firing when you close the bolt (Mine shot when I closed the bolt as the sear did not engage allowing the fiiring pin to remain forward when I closed the bolt). Luckily rifle pointing in a safe direction but please be careful. Also this problem did not become apparent until 30 - 40 rds through. My trigger is now great and the trigger kit is great value when you consider the ease and the results you get.


steve b

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The tubes get rid of any creep and give you a clean snap. I just done mine at the weekend with the second lightest spring and the thinnest tube, just for a go I though I would try the thickest tube and yes it fired as i closed the bolt. MY CZ .17 did not need a tube but I did use the second lightest spring on that which a friend very kindly gave me. Seems most people go for the 3 heaviest with the middle 2 (out of the 4) being the most popular. You cannot really tell until you reassemble the action to the stock what it feels like which is a bit of a pain.

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I would add, asking other people which tubes and springs they used isn't a lot of help.

Despite the fact these are cheap mass produced rifles they are all slightly different.


They don't all need the trigger doing for example, I have said that often enough now, I think I may give up saying it any more :hmm:

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Noones asked what you're using the rifle for yet.


If its target shooting (on a range) you can get away with the lightest of triggers but for in the field around the 1.75 to 2 lb would be my preference. All mine are @ the 2lb mark.

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I am using it as a hunting rifle only. I have the 1.5 - 1.75Ib spring in and the thinest tube which seem to work well together. I must admit I am more used to a a two stage trigger or single stage with a lot more creep (Rapid 7 for example) I am sure I will get used to this set up in the course of time. No complaints about acuracy tried it out at the weekend and the rifle produces very nice groups at 60 yards.



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