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Couple of roebucks from Holland

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Last week i was invited by a friend of mine at his permission in Friesland. It is actually become a nature reserve and his permission only includes roedeer. It consist largely of marshy woodland with surrounding arable land. Ideal for roe ! Furtermore the few roads are only accessible for tractors (very muddy), so it is a pretty quiet area, not much recraeation either.

I set up my hide at a grassy field at the edge of a wood. Just a low wooden structure you can sit behind. It does the work, roedeer notice the hide but still come out the cover.

First saw some roedoe's in cover, then they came out. Followed by a buck, still in velvet. When i shot it it dropped dead immediately in the ditch. After 4 minutes i took a look and to my surprise couldn't see the buck. A few bubbles told me it was under water ! Jumped in and pulled the buck out. So with soggy trousers went back to my hide. Texted my mate all was well and got my buck. He said ok try and shoot another yearling buck. After a while i saw another buck, this one was older but what a rare set of antlers. Texted my mate and explained the situation, he said shoot it. That is what i did and i ended up with two nice looking bucks that evening. Here are some pictures for a reminder of a very nice evening. Does not happen much i shoot two on one day ! :thumbs: :hmm:



Edited by Holland&Holland
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The one with the disformed antler .......... well its good one on the other side looks quite promising for a catapult ! Or is it not a good one, hard to tell from the pictures. :thumbs: or a stick head !

Edited by salop sniper
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Thanks for the replies, i was out for yearling cull bucks, but when this buck came along it is kind of special. That is why i shot it. The deformed antler probably was caused by an injury while still in velvet. It is quite possible that next year it would have had a good set of antlers. The age of the buck turned out to be two years old. I myself thought at the first glance three, but two it is regarding the teeth.

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