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Well my shooting buddy who lives less than a mile away has had a fox that has killed 4 cats, one of which has been infront of their owner :)

we cant shoot the ****** because it is too close to the houses ;) ,

so we are getting all the traps out ( cage's ) and are going to bait it, no not with a cat :wub:


I knew foxes took everything but cats, it must be really desperate for food,

Anyone had this before?



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Never seen it before but i never thought i'd ever say it but it sounds like a fox thats doing some good. ;)


This must be one hungry fox, if it is taking full-grown cats, even if it is feeding cubs I find it incredible. They will take dead cats from roadkill though and I have used cats as bait :lol: . Did the cat that was taken in front of it's owner not put up a fight? Oddly, a fox used to go into my daughters garden and play with her cat, the first time that she saw them, she thought that they were fighting, but it became a regular occurrence, until somebody :wub: shot it (the fox).

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I have seen a fox grab a cat,but it resulted in a stalemate.The fox had a hold of the cat and the cat was latched onto the foxes head in a ball shape with all four claws firmly stuck into the foxes head,neck area.Neither wanted to let go and they stayed like this for 10 minutes.It was on the side of a road and they broke and ran opposite directions when a waggon came past.

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wel thats all the traps out,


We also know where the den is so we are going to wait outside it with the 223 or 2250 just to make sure :blink:


also its a vixen and nearly had another if it wasnt for skye who was after it like a fly around '' cough ''


any ways we wont be happy untill its heads on the wall :blink:



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This is Great, and BASC or someone should do an expose' on it. now foxhunting is banned your sweet ginger kitten is going to get ripped apart by the foxes.


Might make people think twice. and if RSPB ALF and RSPCA aren't letting the truth get int he way of a good story why should we. The moral highround is not worth having....

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