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Magpie in negative?

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Stunning bird that, you definitely should get it stuffed, could be worth a bit of money. Once in a lifetime, or thrice as it happens if you get them all! Almost seems a shame to shoot them, but of course they do the same damage. I'd be tempted to get a larsen out and construct an aviary myself, see if I can get a few generations of albinos and flog them to taxidermists for extortionate amounts. ???:good:

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Hi im the farmes son with the s410 that tinbum has mentioned. I have jus signed up so thought i wud drop a line. I agree it is a stunning bird and does seem a shame to shoot them. Only way to get a close look at the time though. I am in the process of sourcing a larsen trap, will hopefully have it set up this week and try catch a live one. Have so many magpies around our way though that the odds of capturing a white one is slim. Either tinbum or i will keep u posted though. anyway this line has turened into an essay....


Cheers, Mark

Edited by sparky28
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  • 4 weeks later...

Went out with mark (sparky28) tonight after bunois with air rifles. On our return we found he'd caught 2 maggies in his brand spanking new, shiny and wonderful home-made larsen trap. It had only been placed this evening, so it was a great result, but to cap it all, we caught a white one! Mark is making a box for it as we speak and we will post pics tomorrow. The breeding program is an interesting idea, we'll have to see how it goes. :hmm::):no::oops:

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Phil Drabble does it with a white rook in his book; A weasel in my meatsafe. It's possible that the law has changed since then.


I did a research project on corvids two summers ago for my degree. I applied for a license for this because it was a scientific study which was very straightforward to get, it allowed me to keep 10 magpies, and 10 rooks in captivity until I had finished my behavioural study, at which point they were to be dispatched. As they are vermin species, should you wish to register/ licence these magpies with Defra I am sure it would be little more than a formality.


I do wonder are gamekeepers breaking the law when they overwinter magpies for use next season. By your understanding peck is it only legal (without licence) to keep corvid species if they are in active use in larsen/ladder traps.


I look forward to seeing your photographs and the magpies progress tinbum. It will appreciate a water bath in the aviary.

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illegal, illegal, illegal


No it aint! no it aint! no it aint! :oops:


We are both already registered with DEFRA for our various livestock and know which forms we'd need to fill in to keep it a while. Breeding was mooted, but I think Mark just wants to study it and get some answers on what exactly it is.

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