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.204 cal ?


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frank has used one.....i havent personaly but know a guy who does, you love it or hate it, a bit like marmite really :good: , you can only get i think like 30gr and 40gr bullets but they fly at 4000fps, alot of people say the bullets break up and the animals require mercy shots, also told accuracy is poor.


Just get a 223, the extra velocity is no bonus and the bullets drift in the wind.



Edited by stevethevanman
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I have had one for the past 18 months and it is a superb round. Very, very accurate and so soft shooting you can watch the bullet hit. It has accounted for many crows and a lot of foxes to date and believe me nothing gets up.


Since having the .204 my .223 has not been out of the cabinet so this weekend I decided the .223 can go.


32gr and 40 gr ammo is equally accurate through my Howa. Believe me this is a super mid to long range vermin and foxing caliber. If it's blowing a gale I tend to swap to my .22.250 but to be honest the .204 would probably cope in all winds I am likely to go out in.

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