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a poolball in sock is a great tool that was outlawed, as it was classed as violent. it is mainly used for the destuction of nasty people and the likes, but since i retired, i mainly collect antique specemins.


if you want to make one, here is a guide :angry:


all the best, martin of the moreton sock swingers :blink:



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a poolball in sock is a great tool that was outlawed, as it was classed as violent. it is mainly used for the destuction of nasty people and the likes, but since i retired, i mainly collect antique specemins.


if you want to make one, here is a guide :angry:


all the best, martin of the moreton sock swingers :blink:





Hi Martin.


Good advice to all of us not just Reed I hope.


I have a problem with my version and hope you can help me.

I have the sock (Ihave 2 actualy so thats a spare for later)

but when it comes to the pool ball I could only get hold of a

number 2 ball.

In your demonstration you use a number 8 ball.


Will the number 2 ball work or should I save up and get

the better number 8 ball.


I know you might say you should get the best ball you

can afford first of and save a lot of trouble but I saw the

number 2 ball and just could not refuse it.



Cheers taz.

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Dear Taz, whilst i understand you frustrations at only being able to obtain a No2 poolball, the "specialist" No8 shown in the demonstration is a highly collectable training issue that you can only find by comming in the top 5 in the annual competition at the Sheffield crucible.

If you can source one of these, expect to pay in the region of £14.75 from a dealer. One of the problems that i have often found with new socky usersis the pairing between sock and ball, and with the correct training you will be able to, at a glance, see the correct fitting size sock for your balls. I do hope that you have many hours of justice giving with your No2, as it has a great history in our noble sport.

Regards, Martinmoreton. BISCA (ball in sock champions association).

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I have to admit, I have often wondered how they made them, thanks to your comprehensive instructions, I shall now be able to construct my own.

I do have a couple of questions however;

1/ Does it have to be a white sock? They are regarded as a bit effeminate in Essex, obviously that does not matter in Wirral, but down here street cred is all.

2/ Is it not uncomfortable when you put the sock back on? I notice in the training sequence that this part was not shown, a gross omission in my opinion.

3/ I also notice that no reference was made to suitable backstops, what safety zone would you consider reasonable?

4/ A bloke in the pub told me that these spread TB, should their numbers be controlled?

5/ What velocity should I expect from a number 2 ball? I can't afford an 8, although it is my dream to one day own one, do 8's come in pink?

6/ How do Wirralites play pool with their balls stuffed in their socks?

7/ And finally, I have a left handed sock, and my mate down the pub says that my ball is right-handed, are they compatible, or should I get a cross-over sock? As I am sure that you are aware, cross-over socks can be very expensive, and I was hoping to manage this project on a shoe-string.


Bewildered of Bognor.

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If you have any problems obtaining the deadly effective 8 ball...i have seen a true life demo...substituting the ball for 3 pockets full of change (very effective)....and can also be transported easily..... and less conspicuous .when asked by the plod why you have a pool ball in your sock !!

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If you have any problems obtaining the deadly effective 8 ball...i have seen a true life demo...substituting the ball for 3 pockets full of change (very effective)....and can also be transported easily..... and less conspicuous .when asked by the plod why you have a pool ball in your sock !!

Apparently this is not a problem in Wirralonia, since it declared Independence from Scousovia chaos and bedlam reign supreme, even the police are known to have at least one secreted about their personage (indeed, as did Hitler according to legendary ballads).

To even own three pockets, you must come from very distinguished stock, not one of the Diddy Ash Andy B's are you? It's long been a dream of mine to have three pockets, but since the bottom fell out of my cacks I think it hardly likely that I will ever move in those circles.

Oh well, back to my drudgery as a turnip plucker's mate, maybe tonight I will dream of one day owning an 8 ball, not that I can afford dreams any more since that nice Gordon chap put VAT on them (or was that on red diesel?).

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I have to admit, I have often wondered how they made them, thanks to your comprehensive instructions, I shall now be able to construct my own.

I do have a couple of questions however;

1/ Does it have to be a white sock? They are regarded as a bit effeminate in Essex, obviously that does not matter in Wirral, but down here street cred is all.

2/ Is it not uncomfortable when you put the sock back on? I notice in the training sequence that this part was not shown, a gross omission in my opinion.

3/ I also notice that no reference was made to suitable backstops, what safety zone would you consider reasonable?

4/ A bloke in the pub told me that these spread TB, should their numbers be controlled?

5/ What velocity should I expect from a number 2 ball? I can't afford an 8, although it is my dream to one day own one, do 8's come in pink?

6/ How do Wirralites play pool with their balls stuffed in their socks?

7/ And finally, I have a left handed sock, and my mate down the pub says that my ball is right-handed, are they compatible, or should I get a cross-over sock? As I am sure that you are aware, cross-over socks can be very expensive, and I was hoping to manage this project on a shoe-string.


Bewildered of Bognor.




Dear Robert.

Thank you for your letter regarding the construction of a 8 ball size ten combo.

In reply to your questions, i might be able to offer some help. Does it have to be a white sock? short and simple, No. there have been many instances of walking socks being used, and during the great clown revolt of 1874, there was reports of size 32 socks being waved around. Straight to question 2, once they have been used, anything over a size 6 sock must be euthanased after the deed has been done. If you do not use a suitable backstop, such as a skull of clavicle, you are leaving yourself open to splintering, which can leave nasty staining.

Now, as for the velocity of a number 2 poolball, there are many variables to consider when using these, as they do have a reputation for fragmenting. Never i repeat NEVER use a number 2 with a large wad, as if it goes sub-sonic, you will never see the impact crater.

If you are a spazy left hander, you might need to have your thumbs removed, and switched round to accomadate the elasticity of the sock band.

I hope this has been of some help Robert, and wish you all the best for future whopdonging in the south

Regards, Martinmoreton.

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I have to admit, I have often wondered how they made them, thanks to your comprehensive instructions, I shall now be able to construct my own.

I do have a couple of questions however;

1/ Does it have to be a white sock? They are regarded as a bit effeminate in Essex, obviously that does not matter in Wirral, but down here street cred is all.

2/ Is it not uncomfortable when you put the sock back on? I notice in the training sequence that this part was not shown, a gross omission in my opinion.

3/ I also notice that no reference was made to suitable backstops, what safety zone would you consider reasonable?

4/ A bloke in the pub told me that these spread TB, should their numbers be controlled?

5/ What velocity should I expect from a number 2 ball? I can't afford an 8, although it is my dream to one day own one, do 8's come in pink?

6/ How do Wirralites play pool with their balls stuffed in their socks?

7/ And finally, I have a left handed sock, and my mate down the pub says that my ball is right-handed, are they compatible, or should I get a cross-over sock? As I am sure that you are aware, cross-over socks can be very expensive, and I was hoping to manage this project on a shoe-string.


Bewildered of Bognor.




Dear Robert.

Thank you for your letter regarding the construction of a 8 ball size ten combo.

In reply to your questions, i might be able to offer some help. Does it have to be a white sock? short and simple, No. there have been many instances of walking socks being used, and during the great clown revolt of 1874, there was reports of size 32 socks being waved around. Straight to question 2, once they have been used, anything over a size 6 sock must be euthanased after the deed has been done. If you do not use a suitable backstop, such as a skull of clavicle, you are leaving yourself open to splintering, which can leave nasty staining.

Now, as for the velocity of a number 2 poolball, there are many variables to consider when using these, as they do have a reputation for fragmenting. Never i repeat NEVER use a number 2 with a large wad, as if it goes sub-sonic, you will never see the impact crater.

If you are a spazy left hander, you might need to have your thumbs removed, and switched round to accomadate the elasticity of the sock band.

I hope this has been of some help Robert, and wish you all the best for future whopdonging in the south

Regards, Martinmoreton.




Martin I've just started training with mine and I think that I could offer valuable

experience to other trainees.


I was struggleing at first to get the combination of sock and ball right and

then it dawned on me that I am right handed and I was useing the left sock.


As soon as I put the ball into the right sock WHACK everything worked perfectly.


Just thought I would pass on my observations to other aspiring sock devotees.


Cheers taz.

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Taz, thank you for your comments. its nice to see a newcommer to the sport enjoying the benifits that can be found when swinging the sock.

If at any point you are offered a dubious sock by a supposed dealer of such fine materials, please make sure they are reported to DASPB (department for agriculture, socks and poolballs.)

There have been illegal No 5 balls being sold on internet auction sites, but please avoid at all costs. :yes:

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****** i just bought a no 5 ball of ebay please tell me how to tell the difference beetween a fake and a real 5 ball.


Also Im a bit worrried about the hole in the end of my sock i dont want the pool ball to escape and spread TB.


has anyone got a spare sock they can send me ive got a pair of Y fronts i can swap only been worn for 4 weeks also brown in colour so ya can t see the staines.


i wait in antissipation for your answers



SPARKIE novice ball swinger

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****** i just bought a no 5 ball of ebay please tell me how to tell the difference beetween a fake and a real 5 ball.


Also Im a bit worrried about the hole in the end of my sock i dont want the pool ball to escape and spread TB.


has anyone got a spare sock they can send me ive got a pair of Y fronts i can swap only been worn for 4 weeks also brown in colour so ya can t see the staines.


i wait in antissipation for your answers



SPARKIE novice ball swinger


Hi Sparkie, you might want to have a look at this site if you are worried about the spread of tb through loose socks.




If you are thinking of offering a Y-front trade, please be aware that they Y-fronts must have a test certificate, as it would be illegal to post them otherwise.

There are many good sites showing the difference between a true No5 ball and a fake.



and the ever popular



hope they help.

Regards, Martin of the Moretons.

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****** i just bought a no 5 ball of ebay please tell me how to tell the difference beetween a fake and a real 5 ball.


Also Im a bit worrried about the hole in the end of my sock i dont want the pool ball to escape and spread TB.


has anyone got a spare sock they can send me ive got a pair of Y fronts i can swap only been worn for 4 weeks also brown in colour so ya can t see the staines.


i wait in antissipation for your answers



SPARKIE novice ball swinger


Hi Sparkie, you might want to have a look at this site if you are worried about the spread of tb through loose socks.




If you are thinking of offering a Y-front trade, please be aware that they Y-fronts must have a test certificate, as it would be illegal to post them otherwise.

There are many good sites showing the difference between a true No5 ball and a fake.



and the ever popular



hope they help.

Regards, Martin of the Moretons.

Dear Sir


I am rather disappointed in the advice that you have given to the Rt. Hon. Sparkie, you being chariman of the club controlling this sport I consider that you have failed in your duty by not mentioning that items of this nature may only be posted via a registered dealer.

Face to face may be acceptable, and it must be said that this is the usual way of doing it, apart from in Suffolk.

Also please note that any repairs e.g. patched or tooth-marked gussets may render the test certificate invalid, this also applies to any down-loaded material that may be in evidence..

Entries for this years competition should be in by the 31st of February, and entry forms may be downloaded from myballsarebiggerthanyours.com

Competitors from Suffolk are advised that this year farm animals are not permitted in the arena, even if you do have the marriage certificate.


Banjaxed of Birkenhead.

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i once heard of a "reedbradshaw" that only came out at night and used to suckle the milk from the nipples of nursing cats. ive only ever seen them on thursdays though :hmm:


and who are you calling bonkers :oops:

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