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Which permission slip

Game rearer

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Okay right who would say which permission letter is the best and could someone help me give me some ideas how to get permission i am a gamekeeper but would like land around my area instead of having to drive half an hour like if i want to have a mooch about in the evening with the dog could anyone help me.

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In my capacity as Landowner / Tennant / Estate Manager / Game Keeper ( delete )



Authorise .............................to shoot and remove VERMIN / GAME (delete ) on my land as above.


1.May use ferrets.

2.May use lamps.

3.May be accompanied by other persons whilst shooting.

4.This authority remains in force until terminated by myself or appointed agent.





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Side one..



An Agreement Between: Landowner (Print name, address, phone No.)





And: Shooter (Print name, address, phone No.)






The Landowner agrees to let the Shooter and his/her shooting partners ‘control by shooting’ those pests covered under Schedule II of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, Section 1 of the Pest Control Act 1954, Ground Game Act 1880 etc. until such a time as it is deemed appropriate to withdraw that permission.

The Landowner allows the Shooter access to his/her land at suitable times as not to cause hindrance to the Landowner or livestock.

The boundaries for this activity will be confined to the area(s) defined by the Landowner and indicated by a red line drawn on the map.

In return for the granting of this permission, the Shooter and associates will respect the land and the livestock and the crops thereon.

The Shooter and his/her associates will behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times and respect the wishes of the Landowner.



Side two..





#The Landowner takes no responsibility for the actions of the Shooter and associates.

#The shooter and associates will endeavour to comply with all legal obligations regarding the use of firearms. #The Landowner accepts no responsibility for their non-compliance with current firearms legislation.

#The Shooter and associates will carry appropriate, adequate and up-to-date public liability insurance for their activities. The Landowner will have no insurance liability in respect of shooting activities and any consequential events arising from such shooting activities as carried out by the Shooter and associates




The undersigned Shooter and associates have the undersigned Landowner’s permission to shoot on the Landowner’s property:

















I had that pm'd to me by a shooter on another forum. It came with 4 of the same on one side and 4 of the disclaimer on the rear all lined up so all you had to do was cut the A4 into 4 strips and keep handy at all times. For some reason I can't post it on here though. Not sure if it is because I have it as a read/print only Doc. or not though.

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I prefer it to say less, not more.


"To whom it may concern:

......... ..........


Has permission to shoot ground game and vermin (or whatever) on my land, namely:









Simple as that

The one I posted was the first one that was offered to me and it does rattle on a lot. I do like your simple permission slip though. :oops:

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Use mine, dropped one in my local golf course with my name and address on the back. Got it back today signed and sated! :good: Dont go off on a rant about the respect and disclaimer. Farmers are often very busy and will appreciate something simple and easy! They will take no responsibility for your actions regardless of a disclaimer or not! And expect you to respect there land anyways or else you will lose shooting permission! :oops:


Just keep your nose clean and keep it simple. I got mine off this site but just cut out alot of the stuff, less is more! :good:


On Mr Lee's post, dont forget to add a signature otherwise it could of been made by yourself and plod will be sceptical about a piece of paper saying "Permission to shoot has been given to ****** on the land *****" Theres no name or signature.


There is such a thing as too simple :crazy: lol :P

Edited by Bigthug87
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Thank you you have all been agreat help i was thinking of sending letters to all the farmers around my area and offering them a hand aswell when they need it what do you think.

You have the right idea, but most people on here would advise that go in person or at least phone so they can make an assesment of you, plus the fact you can answer any questions they may have there and then.

Letters/emails etc can be binned very easily.

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Mine is very similar to the one mr lee posted. Farmers may be busy, but all of mine have really liked the disclaimer bit. Consider this....In todays climate of getting sued and passing blame, having a signed disclaimer in writing may just act in your favour. They don't want to allow you to do something that may get them in trouble if you mess up. They're not daft!


All I do is say that if it's not a good time I can come back when they're less busy, or offer to do a simple task for him so he can spare a moment to read it (depending on how much you know about the task at hand).

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