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Beretta 686 gun fit problem


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I have got a problem, if i mount my Beretta 686 S while focusing on an object a few yards away - i end up looking down the left of the barrel with the butt very high on my shoulder. If i mount at a point to my left, then the alignment is improved - this also happens to be where i am most accurate.


I have just repeated this with an unfamiliar old side by side, and a Baikal, and the guns come up to my eye naturally and are a nice fit, I have measured the stock heel drop and both these guns have a much lower stock than the 686. The 686 has a 55mm drop.


The trouble is i have to cock my head over the 686 stock, i can about cope with this when claying but with rough shooting or in the pigeon hide, i simply can`t get aligned quick enough, also the 55mm drop at heel on the Beretta is about the maximum i can get on any new gun eg Beretta, Browning, Winchester etc.


What should i do, apart from getting an old gun? i struggle to hit targets to the front and crossing to the right. Is there any benefit from modern straight stocks?




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The gun does not fit you.


You need to go to a gunsmith and have it checked, I had the exact same problem with a 687 when I started shooting, I switched over to a Miroku MK38, the mid bead solved a lot of problems for me and I eventually had the gun fitted to me with an adjustable comb and heel plate, the gun now fits perfect, I lift it up to my cheek and pull it in to my shoulder with no cocking my head or adjustments, its just there.

Edited by Andy W
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Theres a bit of a paradox here from your description of the guns and the problem.


If the drop on the Beretta is less than the other guns, by my thinking you will be cocking over on the lower combs, and have a straighter head on the higher comb - but you describe the results of your mounting the other way round. This starts to sound like a cast problem, have you looked down the gun to see how much cast there is? Even L-H is possible ( as suggested by another).


Before you spend vast amounts on gun fitting, see a coach who is good on mounting technique.


A seminar conducted by ICSI found that in most coaches view, 80% of supposed gun fit problems were in fact stance and mount problems, and little or nothing needed doing to the gun - but a stockist will be pleased to lighten your wallet appreciably if you demand alterations. A good fitter will fit a gun to a correct mount, so if you spend you money in this area, and go away and then don't mount to they way it was fitted, your money will be wasted anyway.


Check out the stock cast, and your stance and mount before considering chopping the stock up.


ps - your profile does not say where you are to recommend the right coach.


CPSA Senior Coach

Edited by clayman
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Thanks for the advice, I have just checked the cast and at the butt heel top, the stock is angled out to the right by approx 10mm. It still tends to either mount high on the shoulder and/or i have to cock my head over the stock to align as i tend to look down the left of the breech.


I have just tried mounting while wearing a T shirt and the other guns definitely fit more snugly into the shoulder, i can`t figure out exactly why this is yet. I am not at all familiar with the other guns, while i have used the 686 as my only gun for several years.

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I went to Simon Willmore, the resident gunsmith at Doveridge, there was no hard sell, no charge for checking me out, he just offered solutions, a top bloke, a few of my mates have also been to him and again received first class advice, not every gun smith is trying to get a sale of some kind.

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