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220 swift/223???


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I owned a .220 Swift for a short while. Astonishing performance - think in excess of 4000fps with factory loads, with really dramatic results. It piddled all over the other non-wildcat .22CFs - yes, even the .22-250 (I had a .223 and a .22-250 running alongside the Swift). One of my reasons for selling the Swift was that factory ammo is very hard to find in any quantity (I don't home-load). In hindsight, I wished I had kept it.

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massive difference? How about 300 fps with lighter bullets and shorter barrels to even more when you start with heavier bullets and longer barrels. The swift can hold 48 gr of water capacity while the 223 has about 3/4 of that.


The swift is one of the 2 or 3 fastest production cartridges made (the 17 rem and 17 fireball being right there). You could say there is a bit of difference.


Better? Depends on what you want it for.




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