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WhatsThe life expectancy


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The reason this happens with fruit purchased from most Greengrocers and Supermarkets, is that they have inadequate cold storage.

So the fruit is hosed down with cold water, this causes it to rot and soft fruits rot quickest.


Sorry Cranfield but totally wrong I'm afraid. I was involved in the fruit trade for many years and never once saw or heard of this happening to fruit, salads and vegetables yes, but never fruit.


Incidentally, technically (botanically, that is), a banana is a herb.


Chris, It was the Produce Manager at Tesco Larkfield in Kent who told me that quite some years ago and if I mention it when returning prematurely rotting fruit to other Supermarkets, I have never had anyone argue the point.

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Got some fruit only 2 days ago and now its turned mouldy and rotten in the bowl, it looked great when we got it now we have to bin it all :yes:


The reason this happens with fruit purchased from most Greengrocers and Supermarkets, is that they have inadequate cold storage.

So the fruit is hosed down with cold water, this causes it to rot and soft fruits rot quickest.

Have you ever wondered why the bananas smell a bit "earthy" ?


Take it back and demand a replacement, or refund, thats what I do and they never quibble.

I will even take the last nectarine out of a pack back and get a complete pack as a replacement.


They rely on most customers just chucking the fruit away and buying some more.

If more customers dumped it back on them they would have to improve their storage arrangements.


I've worked in bannana storage wharehouse's and in most supermarkets

and there is a very complex science behind keeping fruit fresh and to rippen

at the correct time for the customer.


In my experience the storage is carried out in the most optimum way and refrigeration

is one of the ways that is done.

Some fruits respond well to being chilled and some do not and for

the most part fruit and vegtables are picked, sorted, transfered and sold

all to specific standards so the customer has the fruit at just the right moment.

occasionaly it goes wrong and you end up with a bowl of mush.

Try and keep bannana's away from other fruits because the give off

a gas that quickens the ripening process of other fruits.

Cheers taz.


Ethylene is the gas here...... you can use it to your advantage to assist ripening other fruit by putting a bananna in a bag with the under-ripe fruit to bring it alone faster. Apart from brusing issues, the bananna tree allows the ethylene to pass away into the air without accelerating the ripening of the bananna next to it. If you buy green banannas and want them rip faster- keep them in the bag for a few days.

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'Ave a banaaaaaana :yes:


I'd take the plums back to Tescos, because I'm like that. They'd probably refund you and give you free groceries for 25 years and 25,000,000 Clubcard points ;)

Have to agree with Chard here, however, in a life-threatening situation such as this, I would take half of them back to Tesco and complain, and the other half to Morrisons and complain, (taking care to use the correct carrier bag for each of course) free groceries for life!


Incidentally, I've just returned from Morrisons, I asked the produce manager if they sprayed the fruit with water to keep it cool and fresh, he said "No, what would be the point, it would only make the fruit go rotten!"

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'Ave a banaaaaaana :yes:


I'd take the plums back to Tescos, because I'm like that. They'd probably refund you and give you free groceries for 25 years and 25,000,000 Clubcard points :lol:

Have to agree with Chard here, however, in a life-threatening situation such as this, I would take half of them back to Tesco and complain, and the other half to Morrisons and complain, (taking care to use the correct carrier bag for each of course) free groceries for life!


Incidentally, I've just returned from Morrisons, I asked the produce manager if they sprayed the fruit with water to keep it cool and fresh, he said "No, what would be the point, it would only make the fruit go rotten!"




If you can be bothered, it's even better if you write in to complain, with photographs of a bowl of festering fruit. If you start off "Have you seen the state of my plums?" they'll send you free shopping for life, 50,000,000 Clubcard points and a 10p off voucher for a prune flavoured Actimel yogurt. Damn - who could refuse an offer like that? ;)

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'Ave a banaaaaaana :yes:


I'd take the plums back to Tescos, because I'm like that. They'd probably refund you and give you free groceries for 25 years and 25,000,000 Clubcard points :lol:

Have to agree with Chard here, however, in a life-threatening situation such as this, I would take half of them back to Tesco and complain, and the other half to Morrisons and complain, (taking care to use the correct carrier bag for each of course) free groceries for life!


Incidentally, I've just returned from Morrisons, I asked the produce manager if they sprayed the fruit with water to keep it cool and fresh, he said "No, what would be the point, it would only make the fruit go rotten!"




If you can be bothered, it's even better if you write in to complain, with photographs of a bowl of festering fruit. If you start off "Have you seen the state of my plums?" they'll send you free shopping for life, 50,000,000 Clubcard points and a 10p off voucher for a prune flavoured Actimel yogurt. Damn - who could refuse an offer like that? ;)


You have to find it amusing, people buying fruit to use as an ornament, then wondering why it goes off, surely you buy fruit to take home and eat? Why not have a bowl of artistically arranged lamb chops in the lounge? When the bluebottles have had their fun, you can take them back and complain.

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'Ave a banaaaaaana :yes:


I'd take the plums back to Tescos, because I'm like that. They'd probably refund you and give you free groceries for 25 years and 25,000,000 Clubcard points ???

Have to agree with Chard here, however, in a life-threatening situation such as this, I would take half of them back to Tesco and complain, and the other half to Morrisons and complain, (taking care to use the correct carrier bag for each of course) free groceries for life!


Incidentally, I've just returned from Morrisons, I asked the produce manager if they sprayed the fruit with water to keep it cool and fresh, he said "No, what would be the point, it would only make the fruit go rotten!"




If you can be bothered, it's even better if you write in to complain, with photographs of a bowl of festering fruit. If you start off "Have you seen the state of my plums?" they'll send you free shopping for life, 50,000,000 Clubcard points and a 10p off voucher for a prune flavoured Actimel yogurt. Damn - who could refuse an offer like that? ;)


You have to find it amusing, people buying fruit to use as an ornament, then wondering why it goes off, surely you buy fruit to take home and eat? Why not have a bowl of artistically arranged lamb chops in the lounge? When the bluebottles have had their fun, you can take them back and complain.


Doesn't everybody? :lol:


We hang strings of sausages from the chandeliers at Chard Towers. Low fat, of course ???

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