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FAC variation


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could you guys give me a quick list of the basics :/

would like a .22 as mentioned and think I need to get a new application to fill in, what parts do you fill in / miss out?

also how much does the variation cost?

oh and what no of bullets should I put down to buy at a time? 1000?? (purley because bulk buying is cheaper).

thanks :blink:

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Fill in the same bits you did for the .17, all sections must be filled in for a variation apart from the


26.00 quid the last time i paid.

bulk buying because its cheaper is not a good enough reason for amount of rounds to be purchased.

gimme a shout when granted got a cracking remy 597 for sale :/

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Thanks! :/

Out of interest, if the land I shoot is granted for a .17 would they be likely to give me a .223 for the same area reasonably quickly? or will it hold up the whole progress, ( assuming they will give me the .22lr realtively quickly). obvviously the .223 is a much larger caliber though!

Just a thought as it would save costs on getting 2 variations and i wouldnt have to get the .223 straight away :blink:

Edited by CZ452
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The .172" HMR round is smaller than the .22"LR so it's possible you MAY have to have the land checks repeated. That's why it's usually a good idea to request a .22LR with any first application. The CF route will probably need a fresh land check unless your FEO was astute enough to consider the land suited for CF - but only advised you if it was suited to the rimfire calibre you requested.

Edited by Dave-G
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Fill in the same bits you did for the .17, all sections must be filled in for a variation apart from the


26.00 quid the last time i paid.

bulk buying because its cheaper is not a good enough reason for amount of rounds to be purchased.

gimme a shout when granted got a cracking remy 597 for sale :/




i had a 597 found it a very good gun.

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Thanks! :/

Out of interest, if the land I shoot is granted for a .17 would they be likely to give me a .223 for the same area reasonably quickly? or will it hold up the whole progress, ( assuming they will give me the .22lr realtively quickly). obvviously the .223 is a much larger caliber though!

Just a thought as it would save costs on getting 2 variations and i wouldnt have to get the .223 straight away :hmm:



Ask for all you want now as a refusal cost you nothing :blink:

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thanks for the advice! :blush:


The .172" HMR round is smaller than the .22"LR so it's possible you MAY have to have the land checks repeated. That's why it's usually a good idea to request a .22LR with any first application. The CF route will probably need a fresh land check unless your FEO was astute enough to consider the land suited for CF - but only advised you if it was suited to the rimfire calibre you requested.


Ok thanks. Don't think the land was checked on my first application, not sure if the policeman knew the area already or if I'm able to decide what land is suitable because my certificate is open?!



'Ask for all you want now as a refusal cost you nothing :blink:'


Great never knew that! :good: mite aswell add a .308 and an elephant gun whilst I'm at it :good:

Edited by CZ452
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