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tracer cartridges

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I bought two boxes of these at the Midland Game Fair two years ago, twenty in total. What people are saying is true, you can't see them in daylight, or dusk come to that. If you are still interested in trying them I can send you a box FOC. But honestly, they are a waste of time.


Best regards



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Just getting back to topic for a second....

It appears that people seem to have got it into their heads that I'm a **** shot, I'm not **** at all, (well...not that bad anyway  :lol: ) I was just told about Tracers and wondered if they were any good for practise. :lol:

Methinks he doth protest to much.

Its allright VD.

We cant all be good shots. We need the bad un's to make us mediocre shots look good. Think of it not as being a bad shot, but doing the rest of us a favour.


Yeah.... Whatever you say Jim. If you think that is a protest, no wonder the Antis keep getting their own way! :(



Rimfire, Thanks for the offer mate but I think I'll give em a miss, If they are as bad as everyone says I'd just be wasting more time that I don't have. :D

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Ok Lads here beginneth the history lesson (history is all I've got going for me these days)


A zillion years ago, before you lot was calved, Eley made some tracers that were on the market for a couple of years. I chopped a couple up to have a shufti at the workins.


The tracer element was set into the centre of the felt wad. It was a bit of solid firework type gubbins about the size and shape of a .22 dome head air gun pellet with a metal foil covering the base. This foil was in contact with the main propellant charge. I'm guessing it was magnesium. The pellet didn't go all the way through the wad it was set into a recess, presumably to prevent its being blown straight through the shot charge and knackering the pattern.


You could see the red flare in daylight but it was better to be the observer rather than the shooter.


As a guide to shooting they were pretty useless because the flare was stuck in the wad and the wad lagged way behind the shot charge. As a laugh they were fine, but for practical purposes a wash out.


What the modern versions are built like I don't know; that spinning disc sounds pretty limp.


here endeth today's lesson.



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