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hadrians wall


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Next year the Mop and myself are planning to walk half the length of Hadrians wall ( east to west ) starting halfway and walking to the west coast. I am looking for dog friendly b&b's up there. Has anyone done this and know of good places to stay where you bring your dog without having to keep her in a kennel overnight?


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Yes I have.

I thought of myself, knapsack upon my back, the thrill of waking to the dawn chorus, Just myself and the mop cooking our food in the presence of the glory of nature, one man and his dog with mother nature smiling down upon us.

Does anyone know of any good B&B's that allow dogs?


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seems like a sensible question from Jim

Is this the first one and could it be the last

:( :D:lol::lol:

HH it is so out of character that the authenticity of the poster is still being checked out.


General feeling at this stage is that someone has hi-jacked his identity.


Will keep you posted when investigations have been completed. :D

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Honest, I do need a bit of advice. I could spend ages surfing, but thought that sensible fellows that you all no doubt are, you may know.

I am going through a transition period and my medication whilst adequate could be become superfluous if

I were to take in a bit of gods own territory. Also the mop is beginning to look like a suckling pig and could with the exercise.


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