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That's one big bird (well by local standards)


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I went out on a Fallow Buck hunt early this morning - alarm set for 3:15am :lol: , out the house by 3:30 and on the farm and in a high seat a little after 4:30am.


No deer showing, no foxes either (farmers orders to take them at every opportunity, "ok then" :lol: )


It was great to be out before first light and have nature come alive around me, at 6:00am I was treated to a fly past by a pair of these - the tree it settled in was around 90 yards ( I know as I used it to measure the optimum position for positioning the highseat, on Google Earth, scope mag around x15 )




Getting any sort of photo was difficult, so apologies for the odd angle - the bird was around 24 inches high (that's not far off 2/3 metre).

BOLT WAS OUT OF THE RIFLE.........no safety comments required :lol:


More than made up for no deer or foxes and when, 20 mins later, I took this shot (140 yards) post-158-1218313762.jpg


it just jumped up and flew back down to the same spot.


On this trip I saw:

Green Woodpecker


Crows, Woodpigeon (4 very close up :lol: , photo space maxed out)

Magpie :lol:


2 BIG BIRDS :good:




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Look like a Buzzard to me, not a expert or anything so might be wrong.


Did you see them fly? They have about a metre- 1.3 metre wing span. Can't really see it clearly through the scope. Colour is a bit wierd through the scope although it resembles a female buzzard- alot lighter in colour than males. Best to be seen when they are soaring on thermals with their giant wing span.

Becoming very common now. Moving to areas which people have never seen them before.


Sound like you had a good mornings bird watching, just a shame you didn't get what you went out for.

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Look like a Buzzard to me, not a expert or anything so might be wrong.


Did you see them fly? They have about a metre- 1.3 metre wing span. Can't really see it clearly through the scope. Colour is a bit wierd through the scope although it resembles a female buzzard- alot lighter in colour than males. Best to be seen when they are soaring on thermals with their giant wing span.

Becoming very common now. Moving to areas which people have never seen them before.


Sound like you had a good mornings bird watching, just a shame you didn't get what you went out for.


Thanks for your thoughts



you could get in bother with that bomber if some one seen you sighting on it,

what scope you useing their looks like nice clear bit of glass ;):yes:


A Zeiss Conquest 6.5-20x50



big old bird :sly:




wat the white looking object in the first pic cow sheep? or even a deer but u were to busy taking wildlife pics :hmm: lol






Baaaaaaa lamb, there are hundreds of the things on this patch - If it had been a fallow buck, you would be looking at a close up :lol:



Schmidt and Bender?


Can't afford a S&B :lol: - had to make do with a Zeiss Conquest



Schmidt and Bender?

It probably is, if it were a Zeiss you would be able to see clearly, and there would be no need to ask what the bird is.

I'm with Ollie, Buzzard.


Any fuzziness of the image is down to the camera (phone) and image hosting and sizing & the operator (I was trying not to use my parachute at the same time as taking the photo :lol: )


So no one thinks it could be an Osprey ?

- I am still not sure, but must be Buzzard, Honey Buzzard or Osprey


I heard the calls a lot, very distinctive, I'll try to get a few calls off the web - Buzzard is on Garden-birds (but not Osprey).

Unfortunately I did not see them hunting.

The reason I am thinking Osprey (I know there are not too many of those around) is that a few years back I had a weeks fishing only 5 miles from this farm and every afternoon an Osprey showed up every 1/2 hour and caught a fish (very spectacularly) every time :lol: Put our efforts to shame :lol:


The farm where the photo was taken has at least one pond in every field so must be appealing to an Osprey, even if just for a few snacks on route to larger waters :lol:


Probably is a Buzzard, but I am trying to be 100% before I commit.




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Buzzard! Definately not a Osprey. Osprey have a big white chest and very dark brown/black wings tail and back. A bit bigger than a buzzard too. Very luckly to see a osprey in the wild, not all that common although they are coming back. :hmm:



Who said it was an Osprey you will know it if it was an Osprey.


If you go to places where they hunt over lakes or lochs your bound to see one just sit there and watch.



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Dusty Fox if you read AndyCM last post you will see him ask-


'So no one thinks it could be an Osprey ?

- I am still not sure, but must be Buzzard, Honey Buzzard or Osprey'


so thats who ask if it what a osprey.


I know it wasn't an osprey that why i said 'its definately not a Osprey'



You don't see many Osprey round here by any lakes.

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