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Thought I would bring to the attention of members something that is happening on another site that has a forum for members to post in.


The Administrator of Coventry City Fanzine, the site run by the supporters, is being sued for libel over one word used by a writer in a post even though the post was removed immediately he found out, about 3 hours later.


The chairman of the club has been taking some stick over some of his decisions in recent months and it seems he is trying to throw his weight about for revenge.


The administrator was given 7 days to apologise and to say that such a thing would never happen again. It is obvious that he could not agree to the latter so legal proceedings are going ahead with the outcome that the administrator could end up losing his house if libel is proved.


I am bringing this to your attention as if this case is proved it could have repercussions on this or any other forum when a member posts a libellous remark about someone with enough clout to take it to court.



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What was the word?

I cannot even guess how one word could constitute a legal action. Was it liar. This could be taken technically as a libelous statement as could pooftah or cheat.

While we all share your concerns Ern, I think the context and the nature, not to say previous content of this website, would , in the eyes of the law, absolve yourself and any others running this site of any blame or actions arising from posts made by contributors.


P.S Lurcherboy is a cheating pooftah.

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Teal, would a little diclaimer like those in the press not be sufficient to ward off the legal eagles, you know the sort of thing. "All the posts on this site are the opinoins of the individuals and not the owners of the site".


Just a wee thought from me.






Click on 'general rules' at the top :thumbs:

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You are all mean to the poor guy though!! Leave him alone!

:thumbs: Now let's be fair Jess, he does invite the ridicule with some of his posts and the replies he gets are meant in the best possible way.

If he took offence, I am sure he would say so and I for one hope he keeps up his many ludicrous posts for the entertainment of us all. :lol:

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