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1st timer


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Hi all ,had my 1st shot of a shotgun today aswell as 1st go at clays,started off getting used to mounting the gun and then had a few shots at sporting clays and i actually suprised myself in hitting a few,then had a chat about aiming and shoting with both eyes open,then it was off to the skeet range and managed a round of 12/25 which i dont think is to bad for someone who has never shot before,well im back again next week for some more lessons,this could become addictive :good:



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this could become addictive :yes:


Yes, you're doomed. Sorry.


I caught myself dry mounting an imaginary gun and tracking an imaginary clay launched off a 6 story building whilst walking home from work today. :good: Got a few looks from concerned fellow pedestrians who were hurredly ushering their children behind them.

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this could become addictive :lol:


Yes, you're doomed. Sorry.


I caught myself dry mounting an imaginary gun and tracking an imaginary clay launched off a 6 story building whilst walking home from work today. :yes: Got a few looks from concerned fellow pedestrians who were hurredly ushering their children behind them.





I did that out the window of a Pizza Express restaurant today :hmm:


A waitress spotted me, but other than that I think I got away with it.......


......I didn't give it enough lead though :good:



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this could become addictive :hmm:


Yes, you're doomed. Sorry.


I caught myself dry mounting an imaginary gun and tracking an imaginary clay launched off a 6 story building whilst walking home from work today. :good: Got a few looks from concerned fellow pedestrians who were hurredly ushering their children behind them.


Brilliant, I'm not the only one then.........never mind what people think so long as you hit it, confuses the hell out of 'em when, as you lower your 'gun' you say ''**** it..missed'' :yes:

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this could become addictive :lol:


Yes, you're doomed. Sorry.


I caught myself dry mounting an imaginary gun and tracking an imaginary clay launched off a 6 story building whilst walking home from work today. :yes: Got a few looks from concerned fellow pedestrians who were hurredly ushering their children behind them.





I did that out the window of a Pizza Express restaurant today :hmm:


A waitress spotted me, but other than that I think I got away with it.......


......I didn't give it enough lead though :good:





Too much sky was there? :lol::lol:

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