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How much should I feed my ferrets?


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I've got three young jill ferrets, all about 12 weeks old now, and there main source of food for the last week or so has been the dead-un's left from catching up partridge to be released at the local shoot that I work at.


Now, I've always understood that I should just keep there food topped up, but with there new found love of this bird, the little ******* are getting though an intire one in less than a day, and I'm a bit worried about over-feeding them.


So, should I just keep shoving in a new bird everytime there out of food?.. or?



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ferrets will eat as much as you feed them. i have got 4 jills i can feed them a whole rabbit in the morning (evening in warm weather) due to flies. then after they have had there fill they will stash the remains either in the sleeping compartment or in 1 of the 4" pipes i have got in the run.then they will sleep for an hour or so,then i will hear them chirping as they fight over the hidden remains of which they will have another belly full,if i or mrs tremor go any where near the ferret cree and alert them of our presence they will run back and forth looking for food.my advice would be to feed them once a day but in sufficient ammounts.i know that wild animals can and have to go days without food so it might be a good idea say every sunday not to feed them as it would make them hunt out any food that they might have stashed.also a point to remember with any animal wild or domestic the more food input they get the more waste they produce just my 2penneth worth and hope it helps paul

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If there eating a partridge a day so be it there young they will need a bit extra for bone and muscle growth and i like a wee bit extra weight on my ferrets during the hunting season as if they get stuck and i cant get them out right away i know efre not going to be skin and bone when i get them back

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i give mine 1 packet of felix cat food (19p at home bargains ) and a few cat biscuits frown in the pipes every day.. this is for 2 ferrets... i some times have to add or remove a bit of food as i like them to not carry to much weight... also like to treet with a bit of buny when there working...

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i give mine 1 packet of felix cat food (19p at home bargains ) and a few cat biscuits frown in the pipes every day.. this is for 2 ferrets... i some times have to add or remove a bit of food as i like them to not carry to much weight... also like to treet with a bit of buny when there working...



Theres no danger of them getting fat on that lot :yp:

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