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Watching Professional Master Chef yesterday I was surprised to find Michelle Rouxe comment on a pink cooked pork fillet as being perfectly cooked and tasting superb. :P


I know that it is widly mistaken that pork does not have to be heavily cooked, but pink?


Has anyone tried pork cooked pink. Are there any guides to when pork is cooked to safe consumption, barring the obvious?

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pork is discusting i don't know why u would eat it


Heres a few reasons:


Freshly baked crispy rolls filled with smoked back bacon ousing with butter.


Toasted Ciabatta layed with bacon, lettuce, tomato, mozarella melted under the grill, mayonaise and cracked pepper


Smoked gammon with leeks in brandy & creme fraiche sauce and chunky chips.


Black pudding, streaky bacon, porkers sausage, poached egg, mushrooms and grilled a tomato.


Roast loin of pork with crackling, apple sauce, sprouts with roasted onion, carrot n swede mash creamed with butter and pepper, roasted parsnips and potatoes.


And my favourite.... The Hog Roast.





Snozzer, what temp should the centre of the pork reach and for how long?


Dustyfox, i'll let you know. :good:

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pork is discusting i don't know why u would eat it


Heres a few reasons:


Freshly baked crispy rolls filled with smoked back bacon ousing with butter.


Toasted Ciabatta layed with bacon, lettuce, tomato, mozarella melted under the grill, mayonaise and cracked pepper


Smoked gammon with leeks in brandy & creme fraiche sauce and chunky chips.


Black pudding, streaky bacon, porkers sausage, poached egg, mushrooms and grilled a tomato.


Roast loin of pork with crackling, apple sauce, sprouts with roasted onion, carrot n swede mash creamed with butter and pepper, roasted parsnips and potatoes.


And my favourite.... The Hog Roast.





Snozzer, what temp should the centre of the pork reach and for how long?


Dustyfox, i'll let you know. :good:


Pork is great meat.


Pork and stuffing Mmm


Roast loin of pork with crackling and more cracking can't beat it! :good:

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Snozzer, what temp should the centre of the pork reach and for how long?


I go for 170 but have a look here Link to BBC pork cooking (yummy)


One of my favorite sites, why didn't I think to check there first. :good::good: Cheers Snozzer very helpful indeed. :good: Info below:


Rare 65C for ten minutes

Medium 70C for two minutes

Well done 80C for 30 seconds

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pork is discusting i don't know why u would eat it


There are few treats quite like pork crackling, a guaranteed argument over the last bit as I rightly recall...


And what about a slab of home-made, honey-glazed ham with English mustard? My goodness yes.





carrot n swede mash creamed with butter and pepper


Spot on Axe - food of the gods! Lovely buttery swede and carrot with plenty of black pepper...




Somebody pass me a tissue?



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At work we try to cook our pork blushing, which is a chefy term for a little more than pink, the best way to explain it is to compare it to steaks,by this i mean we cook our pork medium(with a bit of pink but NO blood).

As for getting worms from pork i think that is a thing of the past thanks to better farming.

But dont get a bit of pork from the supermarket for 99p cook it pink and wonder why you feel ill.

At work we use local pork(8 miles down the road), have been to have look round the farm and butcher the whole pig at work.

I guess what i am trying to say is yea pink pork is great, tasty, full of flaver and as good as any other meat. But make sure you start with a good bit of pork from a good butcher who will know were it came from and prob even the pigs name lol.

Or ever better come to my work The Cricketers in Clavering(Jamie Olivers mum and dads pub) and try blushing pork.And on the new menu smoked essex wood pigeon, or local venison.(just a small plug lol)


Hope this has been of some help



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