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PuBS Pickers up Beaters Shoots


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A new FREE Forum and website to liaise between shoots and pickers up, beaters, loaders and newcomers to the countryside.

Please take just a few seconds to look and check it out.




The website will be considerably expanded and is still under development,

Several beaters and pickers up have already been found places on shoots even though the organisation is new and with a currently small but growing membership.

Several more potentially placed- FREE of any charges to users.


FREE baseball cap for every member-FREE postal delivery.

FREEFONE contact number.

FREE OF CHARGES to members- FREE membership!!


We can place a link on our website if you wish- a reciprocal link would be appreciated but is not essential.




Pubs Admin

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  • 3 weeks later...
Does it matter?


If they are uniting beaters and pickers up to shoots and vice versa it is all good.


At least they didn't call themselves NOBs2 like a certain clone forum :rolleyes:



Yep, have to agree.


I wish PUBs every success, every extra person we get out into the field through PUBs, this forum or others has to be a good thing.

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On another Forum someone commented that because I was personally seeking Picking Up i did not inspire confidence in the effectiveness ofPuBS - only problem was that I have found picking up through PuBS - and it didnt cost them or myself any money!!

thanks for your compliments guys and gals - there is plenty of scope for everyone in cyberspace some will succeed others may not- let the users decide.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually noone in NOBS draws a wage and I dont believe that they claim expenses either, they do have a database and programming to pay for whereas PubS uses posts in its Forum to connect with shoots and people.

i pay any bills for the website but that isnt expensive, and also for the freebies - car stickers on order next, and maybe a few lanyards for whistles etc to come soon- we have about another 30 pages available from our web host and the Forum is a FREE Forum - we have paid a small sum to stop the adverts that is all.

people have generously advised us and helped to develop things but PuBS will be FREE as long as Im connected with it.

Shoots are now finding vacancies and more are signng up daily.

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p.u.b.s. is different from nobs as there is no back biting.its a great site and long may it reign.the admin on the site are doing there utmost to help beaters ,picker ups and loaders to find shoots and shoots to help find people that they want.more power to your elbow nick

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  • 3 weeks later...

As the season progresses we are finding that more shoots and keepers are interested in sourcing beaters and pickers up and as our members are getting around shoots more are learning of the existence of PuBS.

membership is accelerating and more and more people are getting placed.

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