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boxing day shoot


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me and a mate of mine have had a wander round with gun under arm for a few years every boxing day.this year is the first we both have dogs (and the first for a few that it falls on a sunday).we have decided this saturday is the only chance we will get to do it so are having are going to give it a go even though the forcast is bad.we are starting on the ducks,going to see if his spaniel will put up some partridges,maybe put some decoys out,have a walk up on the pheaseants then a bit of roost shooting.

as long as i out shoot him and my dog beats his things should be good !

may get wet but it will be a tired and happy lab and owner travelling home sat night.happy christmas to one and all.

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Hope you have a good day mate, YP he clearly said he's shooting this saturday so as to avoid boxing day which is out of bounds :) Don't leave the pheasants too late in the day, depending on when you're next going out? Roost shoot some pigeons and then have another shot see if some ducks come in in the evening, only do this if you're not going to be shooting again this season as they won't come back for a while.

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ignored the weather forcast and our day went ahead as planned.took two guns as non toxic shells for a 16bore are too expensive.the estate next door release tens of thousands of duck and are only shoot on our land twice a season so we started with a wander around the ponds = 7 mallard.

we then walked a couple of spinneys toward the main wood and accounted for one rabbit and a cock pheasant.once in the wood we took our time as both dogs are quite young and my mates springer is keener on rough cover than my lab.we put up about half a dozen woodcock and one or two rabbits but couldnt hit a barn door !

sat down under a flight line the woodies use like the M25 and had a good couple of hours chewing the wind and taking the occasional shot = 8 pigeons and a magpie.

walked a field of stubble turnips with two much calmed down dogs and put up a covey of grey partridges who went unsaluted.got another rabbit and a very stupid crow.

ended by leaving the ducks to a well earned rest and had a wander back through the woods to the taller trees for some roost shooting,picking up another three pigeons.immense bonus of bowling over a huge dog fox that sauntered away from my lab.

got in,took care of the dog (asleep at my feet),cleaned the guns,had a long hot bath and now enjoying a cold beer.

not a huge bag but what a bloody good day,made better by having two dogs who made their owners heads swell.for the record and as he doesnt have a pc,my dog is better than his !

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