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FEO Called


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Been waiting in anticipation for 2-3 weeks now lol, just got the call 5 mins ago, was amazed that he wanted to come like right now but I got go to the dentist at 3 :oops: . Luckily managed to book for 10 am tomorrow :drinks: Hopefully all be ok.


Wrote down for a 22LR and 17 HMR, the farm I put down is cleared up to 300 magnum so it should be fine lol, I hope :drinks:


Dont see any reason to be rejected, already passed for SGC, have the same cabinet + have bolted one of this little safes to the wall just above it (got it from woolies for like £25 lol, read somewhere these ones are fine :drinks: )


What type of questions will he ask ? Will he ask me to name my permission ? Point it out on a map ? Give more references ?

Anything really ? Already had SGC done but that was a different bloke :lol: Hope this one is as nice lol :thanks:


Will post tomorrow as to how it goes :good:

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Nothing to worry yourself about if my first visit was anything to go by. (serving officer / sport shooter nearing retirement) great bloke.


Have the kettle boiled and be relaxed in your replies to any questions he puts to you. You've previously satisfied them you arn't a big thug :drinks: with ACAB tattood across your knuckles. He might want to walk the land with you - and offering to do that could make the difference between getting it without a mentor if you cannot show what experience you have of rifle shooting.


His job is to decide if it's reasonable to allow you to go out on your own with a rifle that can potentially fire a projectile up to an alleged 1.5 miles. He'll be listening to references about backstops and not shooting at anything on or above the skyline or towards built up areas, and roads or footpaths that you cannot clearly see are clear of anyone walking quietly. I heard somewhere that South Wales force are quite relaxed as are most rural areas.


He'll probably also tell you a few do's and don'ts and suggest "best practice" things that arn't strictly required but are still a good idea.


ATB, Dave.

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I went n got a map of the area with all the boundaries marked off my mate who got that place on his ticket. Not expecting to go out and walk the ground. Ground is cleared for a 300 magnum so should be fine for a 22 n 17 I hope lol!


btw how far will a bullet travel unhindered ? I know a 22 will go over a mile or mile and half but I dont know within an accurate number :S Do I need to know ? Or just know that It can go well over a mile and say you obv need a safe backstop so thats not a problem!

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my first visit was ok he just asked what you will be shooting, eg rabbit and are you of sound mind lol,he then asked why you want these calibers and how many times you will be going out shooting,all in all no problems.one bit of advice is make the dude a cup of t and offer some cake,they like that and dont joke about bank jobs etc,lol :drinks:

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Been and gone, great bloke, I THINK It was Gareth Thomas, an older bloke but he was fine.


Only bit of trouble was when he questioned whether I would even fit 2 more rifles in my cabinet :P but after some swift manovering of my shotgun he agreed it would be suitable :hmm: so he's off to call my referenes and the land owner so aslong as thats ok it should all be fine :good:

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